Nazi SS style cops & courts, NJ

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i ue to live in PA and would drive up to Boston a few times a year, i hated driving through NJ, if you saw a NJ Statey you would think you had gone back in time to Nazi Germany and was looking at SS Officers, Peaked Cap and Black Boots ooo its insane how they look hahaha
Actually, it was the Massachusetts State Trooper uniforms that the Nazi's copied.
Hitler said "I like those, I'll take them in black, and throw in the caps, boots, belts and cross straps".

You can't mean these fellows!

Actually, I think the above are Mass. troopers. New Jersey is below:

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Actually, it was the Massachusetts State Trooper uniforms that the Nazi's copied.
Hitler said "I like those, I'll take them in black, and throw in the caps, boots, belts and cross straps".


Actually it is said that Hitler copied the (old) NJ uniform as it was designed by a German, Gen. Schwarzkopf's father, who founded the NJ State Police.
Now they don't even have the 'jackboots' like in MA, even if they don't ride a horse or motorcycle here.
A MA State cop once told me that the only better looking uniform (Nazi intimidation factor) was RI.

But none of this was my point....that NJ uses Nazi tactics, in there policing & courts!
And what may those "holes" be?

They're carefully avoiding a few of the key details, like where he was in fact living, the criminal complaints, trial transcripts, etc. The NJ gun laws suck, but it seems like this guy's trying to beat a charge with a flurry of paperwork and controversy.

Tell me the law is unholy and unfriendly to human rights and I'll agree with you all day long. Sputter hot button phrases and I'll question your motives.

But none of this was my point....that NJ uses Nazi tactics, in there policing & courts!

They're anti gun without a doubt, but not even close to the Nazi's. Nice use of hyperbole though.
They're carefully avoiding a few of the key details, like where he was in fact living, the criminal complaints, trial transcripts, etc. The NJ gun laws suck, but it seems like this guy's trying to beat a charge with a flurry of paperwork and controversy.

Tell me the law is unholy and unfriendly to human rights and I'll agree with you all day long. Sputter hot button phrases and I'll question your motives.

They're anti gun without a doubt, but not even close to the Nazi's. Nice use of hyperbole though.

OK, tell us about the "details"....or is that just "sputtering"? What "criminal complaint, trial transcripts, etc."?
Or is it simply and purposely made impossible to follow the laws in NJ?
Very Nazi like,

"This year will go down in history as the first year a civilized nation has full gun control, our streets will be safer, our police more effective. The rest of the world will follow our lead into the future." Adolf Hitler 1939.

and there's always a piece of sociopath garbage willing to re-institute, enforce & administer Adolf's vision.

And as some have shown, even dress like him.
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OK, tell us about the "details"....or is that just "sputtering"? What "criminal complaint, trial transcripts, etc."?

They're skipping over all of the elements of the crime to talk about everything else. The legal documents will give a much better picture of what the circumstances were surrounding this. It reads like the guy in TX who "went to prison for selling FTF to an illegal alien with a DL" BS news stories that hit every gun forum around. They left out key details to make you think the sky was falling.

Or is it simply and purposely made impossible to follow the laws in NJ?
Very Nazi like,

The laws are very likely difficult to follow in NJ. How is that Nazi like though?

"This year will go down in history as the first year a civilized nation has full gun control, our streets will be safer, our police more effective. The rest of the world will follow our lead into the future." Adolf Hitler 1939.

Like the "rifle behind every blade of grass" quote, that is often repeated, but has not been attributed to Hitler.
They're skipping over all of the elements of the crime to talk about everything else. The legal documents will give a much better picture of what the circumstances were surrounding this. It reads like the guy in TX who "went to prison for selling FTF to an illegal alien with a DL" BS news stories that hit every gun forum around. They left out key details to make you think the sky was falling.

The laws are very likely difficult to follow in NJ. How is that Nazi like though?

Like the "rifle behind every blade of grass" quote, that is often repeated, but has not been attributed to Hitler.

What "crime"? Details of your statements...not what it "reads like"?

What the Nazi's would do if they didn't like something/someone was to regulate it out of existence. For example they came up with so many laws involving the Jews, they got painted into a corner with no way out, no way of abiding to all the laws, purposely made contradictory and illogical.
In NJ and elsewhere (like MA) these Nazi types simply target firearms owners....then send in the stormtroopers.

You may be right about that Hitler quote though (I'll stop using it)....but gun control did happen in 1938 there.
And the roots of some states laws....
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What "crime"? Details of your statements...not what it "reads like"?


In NJ and elsewhere (like MA) these Nazi types simply target firearms owners....then send in the stormtroopers.

Targeted? They got a mental health call and the guy got picked up on gun charges, very likely because he wasn't in compliance with the laws that he had printed off. Nonsensical laws are passed in this country because of full time legislators trying to justify their continued presence. You notice the ones about guns because they pertain to you. Everything isn't a conspiracy.
In those two pictures at least the New Jersey troopers seem to be in step. Massachusetts guy front left is raising his left leg while others are just putting down their right.
Sorry for the thread jack. I guess it's just that Old Corps thing coming out again.

hmmm for me I think the state troopers look very professional, and now come to think of it even when I was a kid Fn up and getting pulled over I cant recall a state trooper not being professional either.(I traveled around alot for tuesday night darts....especially in the playoffs)

now I see some LEO looking all ragtag mercenary looking, I prefer a good decent uniform.

now for dealing with the crap you guys do.......god bless you
The biggest problem with NJ in general and this case in particular is that our justice system rarely exhibits any proportionality in its actions. Assuming for a moment that this guy is indeed guilty of a transportation/storage violation, how can this be worth 7 years in prison??? The man had no prior record and by all accounts was a law-abiding citizen. We are not talking about some actual, active crime. He was not stalking someone. He was not planning to rob a bank. He was not planning to kill someone. Any violation of transport laws was very technical in nature and undoubtedly not willful.

You know my background GSG, unlike most others here. I have personally witnessed a diddler get 2 1/2 years for repeatedly raping his three daughters over a 3 year period. The youngest was 9 years old when the molestation began, the guy admitted to the molestation and, worse, saw nothing WRONG with his actions. A friggin' deuce-and-a-half!! And someone like this gets 7 years??? This is wrong. This is beyond wrong!!


Targeted? They got a mental health call and the guy got picked up on gun charges, very likely because he wasn't in compliance with the laws that he had printed off. Nonsensical laws are passed in this country because of full time legislators trying to justify their continued presence. You notice the ones about guns because they pertain to you. Everything isn't a conspiracy.
This comparison of state trooper uniforms (NJ, MA, etc) to SS uniforms is beyond dumb.

Take a NJ state police uniform, dye the blouse and cover chocolate drab, dye the trousers and shirt light tan, dye the shoes and Sam Browne belt dark brown, and you have a US Army officer's uniform from the late 30s through the late 40s.

US Army

1- this was already posted on an other thread.
2- I HATE NJ. i lived there for a year and got the hell out of there.
3- I can not believe that in the 21st century someone would go to jail jusst because a judge didnt like you. you would have all kinds of lawyers trying to free this guy if that was the case. Even the NRA would be talking about it, and i didnt read anything about this in their news letter.

i think this:
They're carefully avoiding a few of the key details, like where he was in fact living, the criminal complaints, trial transcripts, etc. The NJ gun laws suck, but it seems like this guy's trying to beat a charge with a flurry of paperwork and controversy.

Tell me the law is unholy and unfriendly to human rights and I'll agree with you all day long. Sputter hot button phrases and I'll question your motives.
might be right.

like i said, i hate NJ, and their gun laws suck. But i still think think there is something missing to the story.

now, if this story is the entire story, then i hope they find a way of getting this guy out of jail. sounds like a no-brainer, you cant be in Jail for doing NOTHING wrong.
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Just for the record, there is no historical evidence that Hitler modeled SS uniforms after State police uniforms. I searched and only found rumor and supposition. As for NJ gun laws, they are simple. You do not have the right to be armed in NJ. Simple, no?
This comparison of state trooper uniforms (NJ, MA, etc) to SS uniforms is beyond dumb.

Take a NJ state police uniform, dye the blouse and cover chocolate drab, dye the trousers and shirt light tan, dye the shoes and Sam Browne belt dark brown, and you have a US Army officer's uniform from the late 30s through the late 40s.

US Army


As I have said before, this was not intended to be a thread about police uniforms (but Nazi tactics)....yet there is simply NO reason to dress up in a 100 yo. jacket, jackboot, and a leather strap across your chest meant to be for riding horses, in civilian society....other than the 'intimidation' factor, on regular citizens. Real criminals laugh at the way these boys play dress-up, like it's Halloween.
The intimidation factor is the reason they do it. They can list a bunc of other reasons for it, but at the end of the day, you nailed it. I will disagree with the "real criminals" laughing at them though. From what I have been taught, criminals deciding if they should try to fight police or not have stated after the fact that the officer in question looked like a bag of shit, so they took they swing figuring he was soft.
hmmm for me I think the state troopers look very professional, and now come to think of it even when I was a kid Fn up and getting pulled over I cant recall a state trooper not being professional either.(I traveled around alot for tuesday night darts....especially in the playoffs)

now I see some LEO looking all ragtag mercenary looking, I prefer a good decent uniform.

now for dealing with the crap you guys do.......god bless you

Who said anything about being non "professional"? Everyone in NJ involved in this, 'professionally' railroaded this gun owner into prison!

But what else are you going to do when your so bad at finding real criminals? You do fool things like this....NAZI tactics.
Theres a reason why The Sopranos is set in's a cesspool of crime & corruption.
was George Lucas a Nazi too? the Uniforms of the movie (originals) look a lot like Nazi uniforms, and Nazi uniforms look a lot like state troopers uniforms, OMG...ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!! (JUST KIDDING)
The intimidation factor is the reason they do it. They can list a bunc of other reasons for it, but at the end of the day, you nailed it. I will disagree with the "real criminals" laughing at them though. From what I have been taught, criminals deciding if they should try to fight police or not have stated after the fact that the officer in question looked like a bag of shit, so they took they swing figuring he was soft.

On a lighter side, the only other people wearing hats like that in the last 40 years have been gay men....and even then, usually only while in gay bars.
(and NO, I do not have any first-hand
It's almost like your in a time warp when you see some of these 'intimidation' uniforms.
On a lighter side, the only other people wearing hats like that in the last 40 years have been gay men....and even then, usually only while in gay bars.
Maybe they were Gay Nazis! Oh shit!

Two Nazi started by you in the same day. Did you go off your meds or something?
On a lighter side, the only other people wearing hats like that in the last 40 years have been gay men....and even then, usually only while in gay bars.
(and NO, I do not have any first-hand
It's almost like your in a time warp when you see some of these 'intimidation' uniforms.

you are right:

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