Multiple Choice Test on Gun Laws for LTC???

Jul 17, 2007
North Reading, MA
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Here is the break-down...

My sister and girlfriend both took their basic pistol certification class last weekend. My sister went to the police department today, and the officer mentioned that she would have to take a 10 question multiple choice test on MA laws before they'd continue with the licensing process. This is burlington in case anyone is wondering.

What kind of questions should she be expecting to get? Will they be really specific, as in fines/penalties, or general. She's been worrying about it so I figured I'd ask...

Got to love the standard application process of MA...[wink]
I would love to see them give this test to their police force and publish the results.
I guy I work with just went for his in Burlington and had to take a 10 question multiple guess test. From what he said it was all basic safety stuff that was covered in his pistol class.
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