Most Amusing Things Ever Heard On The Scanner


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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I've been a scanner listener since the 80's, and I've heard some pretty wild stuff going down.
Every now and then I'll hear something that proves cops do have a sense of humor.

Last week I heard a PO call in from a traffic stop and say "Send an ambulance to this location, this party is having an allergic reaction to a citation"

[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
In before the dog references start. I think I would have split my jeans at the seam hearing that live.
Listening to the Skywarn net on the Danvers repeater during those crazy rains in spring of 2010. A mobile unit called in road flooding, then reported "a very large wooden boat laying across the road and I hear lots of different animal sounds coming from inside."
Listening to the Skywarn net on the Danvers repeater during those crazy rains in spring of 2010. A mobile unit called in road flooding, then reported "a very large wooden boat laying across the road and I hear lots of different animal sounds coming from inside."

LOL...end times, my friend....END TIMES!
Another time I heard a PO call in a record check on some guy with a really long Greek name:

"I need a license check on a party, last name Georganopanadinopoulos, common spelling"

[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
Another time I heard a PO call in a record check on some guy with a really long Greek name:

"I need a license check on a party, last name Georganopanadinopoulos, common spelling"

[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

LOL...and here I caught shit on an NTS traffic net for saying, "Larry Jones...common spelling"

I've been a scanner listener since the 80's, and I've heard some pretty wild stuff going down.
Every now and then I'll hear something that proves cops do have a sense of humor.

Last week I heard a PO call in from a traffic stop and say "Send an ambulance to this location, this party is having an allergic reaction to a citation"

[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

Are you sure that he didn't call for a . . .
Heard a call via local PD to dispatch to scene to support FD

Reason for call:
Cat in a tree
No BS.

I've heard stuff like that before, it's more common than you think.

I've heard the cops dispatched for a woman who was scared to get out of her car, in her own driveway, because a turkey was standing there acting "menacing".
A very very long time ago I heard on the Attleboro police frequency... Car 5 head over towards the nursing home on George Street a resident just walked away. You can't miss him he's naked. Car 5 responds any other distinguishing characteristics. Dispatch... Just go find him wise guy.

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I also listen to the scanner a lot and some of the calls are amazing. What really gets me is the little crap people call an ambulance for. I swear that there must be a low IQ test for the dispatchers. Simple street names that they can pronounce.
Fitchburg PD convo from a few years ago, some of this is from memory, so I've used a small bit of creative license with the numbers and street names here.


Approximately 7:30 pm, middle of the summer, so its still light out.

Dispatch: Car 5 can you head up to the area of 30 Pratt road? Caller is complaining that there are kids operating some kind of a gas powered, remote control car, and the noise is making it hard for them to sleep.

Car 5: (with much sarcastic tone) Who is the caller, an infant?

Just now listening to Worcester fire. they get dispatched to a shed on fire. turns it is was steam due to sun on the shingles after it rained. This is how stupid the population has become.
Just now listening to Worcester fire. they get dispatched to a shed on fire. turns it is was steam due to sun on the shingles after it rained. This is how stupid the population has become.

That sounds like a Kravitz kind of a call, actually.... ABNER! LOOK THEYRE SHED HAS SMOKE COMIN OUTTA IT! ITS ON FYIAH!!!!! [rofl]

I swear that there must be a low IQ test for the dispatchers. Simple street names that they can pronounce.

I remember one of these mispronounciation calls, it was in Boston many years ago.
The dispatcher sends a unit to a call on "Oh-Ack" street. The PO asked him to repeat it a few times because the address didn't make sense to him.
He then asked the dispatcher to spell the street name.
The dispatcher spelled it "O-A-K".

That sounds like a Kravitz kind of a call, actually.... ABNER! LOOK THEYRE SHED HAS SMOKE COMIN OUTTA IT! ITS ON FYIAH!!!!! [rofl]


In a previous life I lived in Pawtucket RI. We had a right next door neighbor who knew every goings on within eye and ear shot of our houses. One weekend morning she asked us if our then small daughter had fallen out of bed the night before. Indeed she had. After a few years of her keeping us up to speed on even the most mundane happenings on our street I refereed to her as Mrs Kravitz to my now ex wife. I thought she was going to wet herself laughing. The name stuck around the neighborhood. I hope she didn't know it's origin.....oh wait. [rofl2]
I've heard stuff like that before, it's more common than you think.

I've heard the cops dispatched for a woman who was scared to get out of her car, in her own driveway, because a turkey was standing there acting "menacing".

My wife had that happen. She called me and I said figure it out. She ran the damn thing over and said serves him right!
Heard this while listening to Boston PD on the ride home from work today.

Dispatcher: "Lima 909, be advised the suspect has abnormally long fingers, so he should be easy to spot at the bus stop."

Lima 909: "..... Got it. Long fingers."
Neighbors at the old place called the cops after running over their cat in the driveway.

They demanded the cop "do something".

The cop asked "do you have a shovel and a garbage bag?".

This neighbor also complained about my guns, and the cop told them the town would be better off if more people like me lived in it.
I have noticed a lot of calls for people needing help controlling 6 7 and 8 year old kids. How bad do have to have failed as a parent to need to call the PD to help control you grammar school aged child. Heard one today that the mother said teh child has PTSD, how does a 7 year old get PTSD
I have noticed a lot of calls for people needing help controlling 6 7 and 8 year old kids. How bad do have to have failed as a parent to need to call the PD to help control you grammar school aged child. Heard one today that the mother said teh child has PTSD, how does a 7 year old get PTSD

If they discipline their own kid, DYS will get involved and they face possible prosecution. So they call the police to do the parents job instead. Sucks but that is where we are as a society.
I have noticed a lot of calls for people needing help controlling 6 7 and 8 year old kids. How bad do have to have failed as a parent to need to call the PD to help control you grammar school aged child. Heard one today that the mother said teh child has PTSD, how does a 7 year old get PTSD

I can speak from personal experience here. My niece has some serious mental health issues. She was molested as a young child by her uncle. She's on the autism spectrum, bi-polar and suffering from PTSD. She gets very violent and her mom has had to call the cops to help defuse the situation.

So, try and don't paint with a broad brush assuming it is a parental fail. Ok?
I can speak from personal experience here. My niece has some serious mental health issues. She was molested as a young child by her uncle. She's on the autism spectrum, bi-polar and suffering from PTSD. She gets very violent and her mom has had to call the cops to help defuse the situation.

So, try and don't paint with a broad brush assuming it is a parental fail. Ok?
I realize there are some kids with issues and i feel very bad for them. Fortunately it is not the norm and i really don't think that is the case with most of these. I look at it the same way that i do when i hear an ambulance call for someone with a headache or nausea.

Sorry if I offended you.
I realize there are some kids with issues and i feel very bad for them. Fortunately it is not the norm and i really don't think that is the case with most of these. I look at it the same way that i do when i hear an ambulance call for someone with a headache or nausea.

Sorry if I offended you.

You didn't offend me at all. I just hoped you'd understand that there are grey areas...which obviously you do.

Army radio, I had a Cav Platoon so usually I couldn't see any of the vehicles. We rolled out at night to the German border. Next morning I go to the position where one of my scouts is supposed to be: NADA. I call him,

"Blue Niner this is Blue Six, fix, over."
"Blue six this is Blue niner, Lima Lima Mike Foxtrot, Over."
On the intercom to the vehicle commander, "Sergeant Plummer, what is 'Lima Lima Mike Foxtrot?' It's not in the TACSOP?"
"Sir, it means, 'Lost like a Mother ****er." [laugh2] He wasn't more than 150 meters "off."
Some years ago my buddy was working the phones at the Fire Dept.
A call comes in..."No Ma'am, ma'am, we don't actually do that, ma'am...Ma'am, have you ever seen a dead cat in a tree?"
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