More tips for the Sept. 24th IDPA Match at Riverside

dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
Nickle said:
For you, 485 more and you get another bar.

For Ross that's only 14 more.

That Ross sure does blather on, don't he?

At least I don't post 4 posts for 4 sentences!

Is the old War Wound acting up again, Ross?
Cross-X said:
Is the old War Wound acting up again, Ross?

Nope, just the old "work wound"... in fact, I waved when I went by your office on my way to therapy, Darius!

'course, I was in a hurry, so I didn't use my whole hand, just one finger...


dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
Is the old War Wound acting up again, Ross?

Nope, just the old "work wound"... in fact, I waved when I went by your office on my way to therapy, Darius!

'course, I was in a hurry, so I didn't use my whole hand, just one finger...



Ross, chuck the high tech job and start doin' standup full time. You really are originally funny!
Nickle said:
Darius, you do forget that he's originally from JERSEY.

One of only 4 states with worse gun laws than MA. (the other three being MD, IL, & CA)

"Please check your rights at the NY/NJ border; you don't have the right to keep and bear arms in NJ unless we say so."

dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
Darius, you do forget that he's originally from JERSEY.

One of only 4 states with worse gun laws than MA. (the other three being MD, IL, & CA)

"Please check your rights at the NY/NJ border; you don't have the right to keep and bear arms in NJ unless we say so."


Ross, you and my wife have something in common -- she was raised in NJ. Some fancy-lad town called Summit. Do you know it?
Illinois only sucks if you're a resident or want to carry.

Non-resident travel is actually well defined in their state laws. If you're legal at home, they're unloaded and in a locked case, you're good in Illinois, per

I was some shocked when I saw the laws.
dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
Darius, you do forget that he's originally from JERSEY.

One of only 4 states with worse gun laws than MA. (the other three being MD, IL, & CA)

"Please check your rights at the NY/NJ border; you don't have the right to keep and bear arms in NJ unless we say so."


Sahib, you missed one other awful jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.
Cross-X said:
dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
Darius, you do forget that he's originally from JERSEY.

One of only 4 states with worse gun laws than MA. (the other three being MD, IL, & CA)

"Please check your rights at the NY/NJ border; you don't have the right to keep and bear arms in NJ unless we say so."


Sahib, you missed one other awful jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.

I was only mentioning states... and I see you called it a jurisdiction.

I mean, I have great respect for Bro Washington's memory... but why did they have to name a city after him built in a SWAMP??
Cross-X said:
Ross, you and my wife have something in common -- she was raised in NJ. Some fancy-lad town called Summit. Do you know it?

I know where it is but I don't think I've ever been there. It's about an hour, hour and a half away from where I grew up.
Way off from where I almost grew up. Darius, do you know unusual it was for a couple to get divorced in the 1950's and HE gets custody? That's how close I came to growing up in Woodbury Heights, NJ. My father got custody, stayed in VT.
dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
Darius, you do forget that he's originally from JERSEY.

One of only 4 states with worse gun laws than MA. (the other three being MD, IL, & CA)

"Please check your rights at the NY/NJ border; you don't have the right to keep and bear arms in NJ unless we say so."


Sahib, you missed one other awful jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.

I was only mentioning states... and I see you called it a jurisdiction.

I mean, I have great respect for Bro Washington's memory... but why did they have to name a city after him built in a SWAMP??

Uhhh, Ross, wasn't the better part of Boston also built on a pumped out swamp?
If I can get my man Ross to post twice more, he will have his very own set of railroad tracks.

Ross, I am going to lunch now. When I come back, I want to see some heavy metal on your shoulders.
dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
dwarven1 said:
Nickle said:
Darius, you do forget that he's originally from JERSEY.

One of only 4 states with worse gun laws than MA. (the other three being MD, IL, & CA)

"Please check your rights at the NY/NJ border; you don't have the right to keep and bear arms in NJ unless we say so."


Sahib, you missed one other awful jurisdiction: Washington, D.C.

I was only mentioning states... and I see you called it a jurisdiction.

Picky, picky, picky!
Cross-X said:
Uhhh, Ross, wasn't the better part of Boston also built on a pumped out swamp?

There's a good part of Boston????? IIRC, they leveled the hills and filled in the Back Bay with the dirt... but I wouldn't call that a "better part".

Sorry, I just don't like big (or even medium-sized) cities. I wanna be where you can see the stars at night, not just an orange glow from all the streetlights.

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