MG42 Exploded Parts Diagram

common Nicole, this is the second time you make everyone quiver with anticipation of some super awesome project and then just let everyone hang. First it was the hair sticks with firing pins, now it's tanks and MG42 ... FOR THE LOVE OF GD AND St. JMB, PLEASE TELL US WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT!!!

she's such a glock tease......

i'm talking blue ball ammunition.....
Update: Here's the completed project I was working on:

P9210246.jpg P9210242.jpg

Awhile back someone gave me a MG-42 belt and I thought - hey, this is the perfect length to make a wearing belt out of! So I did. And I made a olive drab dress to wear it with. I was asking about the parts diagram because I was having Drop Dead Gorgeous (search for them on Facebook) make a necklace to complete the outfit. We played around with ideas for using MG-42 parts in the necklace but that didn't work out, so we went with 8mm Mauser rounds - the necklace has one complete round and the bases of 6 more with Swarovski crystals in the primer pockets.

Love it. Wore it to the Friends of the NRA dinner last night. I think the only people gunnie enough to get what I was doing/wearing were at my table. [wink]
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