Massachusetts Legislature reaches 'grand bargain' on $15 minimum wage, sales tax holiday, paid leave

I thought there was already legislation that was passed that was going to incrementally increase minimum wage over the next few years. Why do we need another bill?
The Retailers Association of Massachusetts had been pushing for a reduction in the state sales tax as well as the creation of a permanent sales tax holiday.

The compromise would create a permanent annual sales tax holiday each August, but would not lower the state sales tax.

In a concession to businesses, the bill would eliminate time and a half pay on Sunday, phasing it out over five years.
Well, there goes that idea. Retailers would’ve made more money in the long run with lower taxes. It’s be badass if Retailers made this tax reduction a ballot question next year and it passes
I thought there was already legislation that was passed that was going to incrementally increase minimum wage over the next few years. Why do we need another bill?

The bill a couple years ago that raised minimum wage to $11/hour didn't include the annual adjustment based on CPI. There was a similar bill at the same time that did include it, but that one failed. All increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour is going to do is result in more automation of entry level jobs and it being harder and harder for teenagers to find a job. As it is now, most places won't hire anyone under 16 because there are so many limitations on what 14-15 year olds are allowed to do that employers simply can't justify paying them minimum wage for what they can do.
The bill a couple years ago that raised minimum wage to $11/hour didn't include the annual adjustment based on CPI. There was a similar bill at the same time that did include it, but that one failed. All increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour is going to do is result in more automation of entry level jobs and it being harder and harder for teenagers to find a job. As it is now, most places won't hire anyone under 16 because there are so many limitations on what 14-15 year olds are allowed to do that employers simply can't justify paying them minimum wage for what they can do.

Jobs for future retirees. "Would you like fries with that?"

A little freaky when the teenager at the window is wearing a Hoodie (lettered Micky D) taking your money.
So not only do we not get the lower state sales tax, we the people lose out on time and half on Sundays. Wow, lets see the democrat *** kissers defend this one.
The benefits would be paid for by employer contributions to a new state Family and Employment Security Trust Fund. Only businesses larger than 25 workers would have to pay into the fund.

This has new funds for State budget written all over it. Ok so whats the over / under on how long for this trust fund to go bankrupt.
Really hoping the Mass Retailers Assn will tell them to pound sand and keep their ballot question on there. F them and their "compromise."

"Well, we get what we want, you get one thing you want - everybody wins."

No. I didn't win. I didn't come close to winning. I didn't even get a draw.

Oh well. Wendy's has implemented kiosks in many of their stores. There will be more and more. Good job, Mass Legisla-holes.

The benefits would be paid for by employer contributions to a new state Family and Employment Security Trust Fund. Only businesses larger than 25 workers would have to pay into the fund.

Oh yeah. More F'ing. How nice. Basically you can apply for U/E if you have to take care of your baby or mommy or something. No planning for the future. No personal responsibility.

Who pays??? Consumers! And workers! The very people they are trying to help.
Oh well. Wendy's has implemented kiosks in many of their stores. There will be more and more. Good job, Mass Legisla-holes.

I noticed that the last time I was in a Wendy's (which isn't too often). Not only do the kiosks save them money on labor, they also improve quality, as now I can be assured that my order is getting entered correctly. This also saves them money after the clerk enters them wrong and they have to make it again to provide the customer with the product they ordered.
And the prices, will just keep on rising.

Look for a sharp and steady increase in unemployment in the near future if it becomes law.

It's been tried other places and it's a failure from the get go. It brought about fewer employees, more automation and fewer hours for those who actually got to keep working.

Ya, that's a real bargain.......unless you are a wage earner and a tax payer and a business owner.
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I bought my first dirt bike at age 13 the day before they raised the sales tax from 3% to 5%. 3% would be a good target

They need to be scaling back the government bureaucracy and the frivolous spending before even thinking about anything else.
There are advantages to living within minutes of the NH border.
I imagine at some point they will institute check points to keeps the serfs trapped on this side of the line.
NH gets a chit ton of my money every year that if it weren't for this state's asshattery would be getting spent here.
There are advantages to living within minutes of the NH border.
I imagine at some point they will institute check points to keeps the serfs trapped on this side of the line.
NH gets a chit ton of my money every year that if it weren't for this state's asshattery would be getting spent here.

I've finally escaped and live north of the border now. Plenty of folks do as you, I can barely get anywhere in town on the weekends with all of the traffic, 75%+ of which has Mass plates.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....hoo wee, I think a little pee came out of me at that one.

They need to be scaling back the government bureaucracy and the frivolous spending before even thinking about anything else.
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