Mass laws

Yes, I've looked into those things and fully agree with precedent set in recent CA. What did FPC file? Our AG has simply said that AR style guns are dangerous and within the law for her to decide to ban them.
Yes, I've looked into those things and fully agree with precedent set in recent CA. What did FPC file? Our AG has simply said that AR style guns are dangerous and within the law for her to decide to ban them.
Part of the issue is that most of the "law-making" power is the add on to much legislation that says (more or less), "The director of XXX agency shall promulgate any regulations that they see fit," so you can have an official say, "I think that X is bad," and, until it's successfully challenged, it's in force.

Nobody wants to be the challenger.

OP: What do you mean by:

"No one"

"Gone after"


If you have any ideas, or tactics, please let us know.

Among its other work, GOAL lobbies and educates the legislature. Mostly futile, but occasionally there are positive results.

Comm2A works in the courts - unfortunately a case that is borderline is not a good one, as a precedent against us can be worse than the status quo, so exceptional care is needed.

Remember that gun owners are a ~10% minority in Mass; most of the rest don't actually care, or know about guns. The 10% that are true Antis are loud, organized, well-funded, and well-represented. They know how to spin. Look at the sh!tstorm over the Newton gun shop proposal.

The legislature is against us; the courts are not for us, and the existing laws and precedents are not sympathetic to our cause; we're outnumbered at the ballot box.

A lot of people have been working very hard, for a long time to make things better, or at least no worse.

Let us know what you think can be done better.
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