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Mass Dealer for 1911 Frame

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Mar 24, 2005
Relocated to NC
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Does anyone know a Massachusetts FFL dealer that will transfer an STI or CASPIAN 1911 Frame? I want to make a Wide-body 38 super target pistol.

Thanks for your help,

If they do, contact the OP directly.

We will Not allow the names to be posted publicly here.

I was told that there are a few such dealers in MA, but I have not been able to independently confirm that they are still doing so in the past year or so. I do know that EOPS has taken a different position on the need for FA-10s on frames with the current Sec. of Public Safety (rabid anti-RKBA person), which would give them info to persecute anyone who does transfer a frame! State Law defines a gun as "able to shoot a cartridge in current condition", which means that a frame is NOT a gun in MGLs (no FA-10 required). However EOPS has the power to intimidate, issue CMRs, etc. to do whatever they want and they have recently taken a position contrary to MGL! They now demand FA-10s for all frame transfers. Thus, I am unsure that any MA dealer is currently brave enough to do a frame transfer without an FA-10! [My source for this info was Chief Ron Glidden, Chmn of the Gov's Gun Control Advisory Board and firearms instructor at the police academy.]

REASON: The AG's office and CHSB has been known to troll forums, eLists, etc. for info that they can use to shut down the legal business of selling guns. Therefore, we don't want to put any more dealers out of business here or scare off any legal business practices.

I am locking this thread, but feel free to respond to the OP directly if you wish.

[Just a general word of caution, and NOT to cast any cloud over the OP here: Just make sure that you feel comfortable that whoever you share this info with is really on our side before you share info that could be used against lawful dealers in MA.]
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