Mansfield News: LETTER: Shooting prompts call for tighter gun laws

Nov 14, 2005
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As I reflect upon the recent murder “by gun” of Andrew Colwell, I cannot help but wonder how a 19-year-old high school dropout obtained a gun. This question prompted me to do a little bit of Internet research. Gun violence is an epidemic and a national disgrace. The facts speak for themselves.

“Every year in the United States guns kill nearly 30,000 people. We should not have to live in constant fear of our kids dying and being seriously injured in mass shootings like Virginia Tech, the Amish school near Nickel Mines, Pa., or Columbine. However even more disturbing is that, a normal day in America brings the loss of eight young people to shootings that occur on our streets and in our homes — the equivalent of two Columbines every other day.”

What are the U.S. Congress or State legislatures around the country doing about the problem? Almost nothing. Why? Because the National Rifle Association “NRA” and the gun industry use vast sums of money to block passage of sensible gun legislation — laws that are designed to reduce death and injury and create safer communities. The gun lobby claims that it is protecting gun owners’ rights under the Second Amendment. In fact, their efforts lead to the death or injury of thousands of innocent Americans every year as families such as the Colwells of Mansfield continue to pay an unbearable price for our national obsession with guns.

What needs to happen to reverse this ugly trend of gun violence? Protesting and organizing on the grassroots level — state-by-state. We must acknowledge our political impotence on the gun issue and be willing to mount state-by-state campaigns to rally support to save lives.

We are being challenged by the most powerful lobbying group in the U.S., which spends millions of dollars annually on lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. and state legislatures. This is not easy.

I cannot help but think of Ted Kennedy. We are all saddened, and rightfully so by his current battle with cancer. Cancer is a terrible disease and we all donate money for research, “walk the walks,” and it helps. Yet, I cannot help but think of the tremendous irony. Two of Senator Kennedy’s brothers’ lives were cut short at a much earlier age than Ted. The damage to the brain we provided by guns in both cases, not the cancer that our beloved Senator battles, and may yet beat. His brothers did not live that long to fight the battle.

Andrew Colwell did not live that long as well. Please write to Mr. Kennedy, I think he may feel up to responding.

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people?” I’m sure Andrew Colwell’s gunman would have had a difficult time robbing and murdering him without that small caliber handgun, so easily obtained by our children.

In memory of Andrew Colwell
Rich Coleman

Mr. Colemans, expressed viewpoint on this topic confirms the little bit of time spent doing research on this topic on the Internet.

Mr. Coleman is obviously drawing these incorrect conclusions from the Brady Campaign, Violence Policy Center playbook and perhaps other left-wing, anti-American, Socialists like Ted Kennedy who has consistently violated his Constitutional oath of office.

Others, on the other hand, have followed this topic their entire adult lifetimes, and can tell you that writing an editorial without thinking things through, drawing conclusions directly out of this in-depth research is very reckless and dangerous to the community. Its dangerous because of its purely emotional nature and is lack of facts.

The Brady Campaign stats quoted have been proven, time and time again, to be incorrect by real experts on this subject like John Lott. (More Guns Less Crime, The Bias Against Guns) How about the fact that doctors kill nearly 195,000 patients annually through negligence and yet we dont hear the same vitriol spouted against them? How about the fact that swimming pools and football individually account for more deaths than firearms in this country?

I've held back saying this out of respect for Andrew Colwells family, but lets face the facts Mr. Coleman. He was dealing drugs, a drug dealer in the town of Mansfield, drugs and guns are involved in an overwhelming majority of these cases. When this buyer/seller relationship goes South often people get killed. That is an undisputable fact.

Despite the emotional last line, legally owned firearms, the only thing laws can regulate, are not "so easily obtained by our children." as Mr. Coleman would have everyone believe. There are 14 separate steps involved. Each step costs large amounts of time, money and paperwork. This license then allows a citizen of Massachusetts to legally acquire a firearm to protect their family from the kind of riffraff that Andrew Colwell would attract to the town of Mansfield.

Some of these steps are truly criminal and discriminatory in their nature and have reduced legal firearms ownership in Massachusetts from a high of 1.5 million to a mere 216,000. And now the Governor wants to reduce that number even further through bills like H.3991 and H.4971. Its the legal firearm owner who suffers from these laws, not the criminal and because of it many Sportsmen & Women have left this State which further reduces the amount of funding for Wildlife Conservation (MassWildlife). It has further eroded our North American Wildlife Management model managed by science not emotion in Massachusetts. Hunting licenses account for millions in Conservation money in this and other States across the nation while the whining anti-hunting groups like MSPCA, HSUS and PETA do absolutely nothing to manage, preserve or protect our natural resources. The legal , law-abiding , Sportsmen & Women of the Commonwealth were the first and fiercest conservationist. Do a little more research Mr. Coleman and youll discover the truth.

Last, but not least the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on June 26, 2008 striking down the D.C. Gun Ban in our "murder capital of the United States" Washington, D.C. Handguns had been banned in D.C. for 30 years and the murder rate there never dropped below - with the exception of one year - from the rate it was before the gun ban was put in place. It consistently has been 3-4 times the national average! So explain how attempting to reduce violent crime by taking firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens does anything to reduce crime again? Thats right, it doesnt.

In D.C. V. Heller, the ruling of the court was that: The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Justice Antonin Scalia`s majority opinion also stated that:

We are aware of the problem of handgun violence in this country, and we take seriously the concerns raised by the many amici who believe that prohibition of handgun ownership is a solution. But the enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.

Policy choices that Mr. Coleman would have you believe make you safer when the overwhelming evidence, hidden by the main stream media and ignored by those of his ilk strongly informs us that the opposite is true.
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I cannot help but think of Ted Kennedy. We are all saddened, and rightfully so by his current battle with cancer.

Rich Coleman
I cannot help but think of Ted Kennedy, either, with this being the anniversary of Mary Jo Kopechnes' death and all.
Head over to this link and add onto this, but I’m hoping to get this into the next edition of the paper. We cannot – we absolutely cannot – let this crap go unanswered!!

For those of you who do not know…the kid was shot in the head in Mansfield while doing a drug deal. Just look at how the media glorifies this drug dealer! It’s unfathomable.
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I was reading that the kid who got killed was actually a dope dealer. If this is true then I really don't know how you can complain about him being murdered, it kind of comes with the job you know. Sort of like a boxer complaining that he got beat up. It's really not the guns that are the problem, it's the guys who are dealing dope and using guns to rob and murder people. It sounds harsh and I feel bad for the innocent, like the family and such and I extend them my sympathy to them. But the guy who wrote this letter to the editor is just a waste of oxygen if he thinks that they should restrict law obiding citizens from owning guns when he is talking about career criminals being in our town and murdering and robbing eachother.

And the fact that he opened his argument complaining that a 19 year old high school drop out obtained a gun blows my mind. Isn't this the most obvious piece of the puzzle that proves that gun laws do not work? He wasn't even old enough to obtain the handgun legally. You can sit down and completely ban guns, take them all out of the shops, go door to door and force gunowners to surrender their guns, and that 19 year old drug dealer still gets his handgun just as easily and murders the other guy. Thats all.
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Mr. Coleman is a sheep.He is most likely a Democrat and stuck in stupid.I feel for his family.Why is it when a whack job kills someone with a gun,these sheep want all of the guns confiscated?My other question is why is it if someone is killed by other means they never ask for the collection of those items?I truly would like a sheep to clear this up with me before I leave this world.
I was reading that the kid who got killed was actually a dope dealer. If this is true then I really don't know how you can complain about him being murdered, it kind of comes with the job you know. Sort of like a boxer complaining that he got beat up. It's really not the guns that are the problem, it's the guys who are dealing dope and using guns to rob and murder people. It sounds harsh and I feel bad for the innocent, like the family and such and I extend them my sympathy to them. But the guy who wrote this letter to the editor is just a waste of oxygen if he thinks that they should restrict law obiding citizens from owning guns when he is talking about career criminals being in our town and murdering and robbing eachother.
This guy talks about being in constant fear for our kids lives, but what kind of parent would lose sleep over one less drug dealer in town?
Mr. Coleman is a sheep.He is most likely a Democrat and stuck in stupid.I feel for his family.Why is it when a whack job kills someone with a gun,these sheep want all of the guns confiscated?My other question is why is it if someone is killed by other means they never ask for the collection of those items?I truly would like a sheep to clear this up with me before I leave this world.

Because they are desperately seeking protection and safety without realizing that it's their job, not the governments to provide it.

Boo hoo, take the bad guns away, boo hoo, make me wear a seat belt, boo hoo, that lawn mower is dangerous make it so that it can't hurt me, boo hoo, how was I supposed to know you shouldn't stand in a bath tub and turn on the hair dryer? And on and on and on.

I'd guess that if this kid wanted to kill the other kid, he's use a knife, baseball bat, golf club, or anything else that he could to do it.

It's people, not things that commit crimes.
Oh, there are headlines, and there will continue to be headlines. Everybody loves a story. The media loves to paint a picture to stir emotion, create drama, and stoke interest. “Drug deal gone bad,” “Drug deal gone sour.” “Argument over marijuana.”

Permit me to set the record straight, before one individual, one unknowing person who did not know Andrew or his family makes an assumption that is absurd. An assumption that a sociopathic animal and a boy who made a mistake should be mentioned in the same breath. “Deal” or “argument” implies two parties at fault.

So it wasn't a drug deal, it was an off the books act of commerce between an unliscenced pharmecist and a high school dropout.

Call it whatever you want, the man was still selling dope.
The solution to drug related violent crime is legalizing drugs. How many people are hurt by criminal gangs bootlegging alcohol these days?
The solution to drug related violent crime is legalizing drugs. How many people are hurt by criminal gangs bootlegging alcohol these days?

Sarcasm? I think you hear a lot more about users committing crimes against people (Home invasions, robberies, muggings, etc.) rather than the dealers. Legalizing drugs will just create more users.
Sarcasm? I think you hear a lot more about users committing crimes against people (Home invasions, robberies, muggings, etc.).

I somewhat agree with this to a degree.

Legalizing drugs will just create more users.

I completely disagree with this. That's like saying that legalizing murder would make more murderers. It's easier for a kid to get a bag of pot than a bottle of booze. Dope aint hard to come by. If you are the kind of person who wants to do it, you do it. If not, you don't. Legal or illegal.
The minute I first heard about this, without knowing more than he was shot sitting in his car, I thought it was a dope deal.

Maybe it goes way back to my own days at age 19, but it seemed likely that drugs might be behind it.

The facts later proved that.

The editorial by Mr. Cowell makes me angry because they insist on blaming the gun. They don't blame the parents who raised this kid. They don't blame the schools that couldn't teach him to stay away from drugs, in fact they considered him a good kid.

What do they blame? The gun! And then he says it's because it's how easy it is to get a gun. Why does this letter writer in the same paragraph not recognize that it is more illegal to possess 3/4 of a pound of pot than it is in this state to possess a gun without a license.

Why should more laws about guns do any more than the laws against drugs kept these two boys from meeting to exchange goods and services for money.

Give me a freakin break. I worked in the Mansfield school system, at the High School, and once had two boys verbally threaten me with a gun that I did not see. They were behind me in an otherwise empty classroom after school. They were saying things like I couldn't hear them. They said, I wonder what this fat guy would do if I pulled out my 9?" When I told my supervisor, all that happened was that the 2 boys were told to apologize to me. That never even happened because they "couldn't find me".

I'm a combat vet, and when I heard they wanted to show me their "9", I was about ready to tear them a new perspective on life. When I told that to my supervisor he said,... "Geez, you can't do that. Don't touch them". I would have gotten in more trouble than the 2 boys did. The high school does a great job of policing its students.

All these people are pointing their finger at the wrong problem. It's not guns, it's lack of respect and upbringing.

Teach a kid to shoot.

I think NES should donate $100 to the scholarship fund as NES, and not say what NES stands for, until later.

Sorry for the druggie who got killed, he might have grown up to be something else, maybe worse.
We should just pas laws to regulate everything that rubs people the wrong way. Let's take farts for example. Everyone likes their own "brand" but god forbid someone else rips one around you. Clearly we need to do something about this epidemic that is polluting our air and killing our babies.

People should be required to wear filters in their underwear that captures the gases as they are expelled. You shouldn't be allowed to fart in any public buildings and if you do this will be deemed a biological attack against the government. No farting allowed over a certain decible as it may disturb the peace. If you can fart in succession then your butt must be registered as a machine ass and you have to pay $200 to keep your rapid bunghole.

Basically, the moral is people shouldn't try to regulate and outlaw something everytime something bad happens. Bad things will always happen thanks to human nature.
We must always be on alert for guns that sneak around randomly shooting people. evidently it happens all the time. Anybody know of an inaccurate weapon in the hands of a competent shooter?
so i threw my two cents into this.

I will keep my post short but to the point.

1. Heroin, Crack, Cocaine all are illegal everywhere in the US and most other countries yet most anyone who is willing to break the law can buy it . ~ Goes to show how well abolition works never mind the audacity of someone trying to tell me I should not have the right to defend myself.

2.Most deadly force encounters using firearms occur within 7 feet and last only 3-5 seconds with an average of 3 shots fired. ~ I guess that blows out the idea of calling for help and waiting for the police to arrive. Oh and it sounds like the perfect application for a small caliber not so accurate inexpensive handgun to me. I know in the Summer that is exactly what i carry (legally) for easy concealment in light clothing.

3. "coleman9

Permit a simple response from the source of all the angst that has been created regarding guns. Apparently I have raised some hackles and made those who feel uncomfortable with the threat of losing you civil liberties, a bit 'emotional'..... "
Lets see how your hackles are when you have to pay licensing fees, succumb to governmental background checks, and maybe even denied your right at all to utilize the first amendment. How about a governmental review board that sets all kinds of crazy rules that limits what you are aloud to report on and makes you a criminal over night.

It seems the liberal nannies should not be complaining about fear mongering since they want you to fear an inanimate object.

Sorry about about the short part.

Oh and i forgot to ask how many people are killed by drug dealers each day without firearms, but with the product they sell.
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