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MA resident long gun purchase in NH

Oct 28, 2005
Pascoag, RI
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I've got a friend coming up tommorow from MA (weather permiting) to go hit a gun shop, and then to the firing line in Manchester. He'd like to be able to purchase a long gun, but neither one of us can seem to find a MA compliant list anywhere. He'd like to get an AR, so I'm sure his options will be limited, and he doesn't want to become an accidental felon. We know he can't have high cap magazines, but what about the gun iself?

I'm not sure if this should be here, or in the gun laws section, but I'm going to start it here.

It has to be either a pre-ban, or post-ban configuration. It can't be a "No-Ban" configuration.

Other than that, there really isn't a "Mass Compliant" list for rifles. Just make sure that it doesn't fall under the "Assault Weapons Ban" laws. It's pretty much the same as the old Federal AWB.

I'm sure that Len can clear it up, but that's pretty much it.
C-pher has it. No such thing as a list of MA compliant rifles.

YES, he can have hi-cap mags, just need to be pre-ban mags.

He needs an LTC-A or -B and he'll need to "register" it on an FA-10 form when he gets back home. Local PDs are "supposed to" have them available, but many don't stock them, so he may have to visit a few PDs to get one.

He can ONLY buy from an FFL out-of-state (Fed Law). I've bought rifles in NH before, they will have you do a 4473, call in a NICS check and you are on your way.

I'm moving this to Gun Laws forum. If you search there, you'll find more info on buying long arms.
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