Does MGL require the registration of a duty weapon issued by a federal agency to a fed officer if that officer resides in MA at the time of issue of the duty weapon?
Strictly issuing of a federally owned weapon. The agency owns the weapon. There was no nics and certainly no 4473 and no dealer was involved even though the weapon is a handgun not on the approved list.
I think he's referring to Transfer of ownership. If it's still a federal weapon, then it was never transfered to you. Speaking of Ownership. As you state, it's still theirs. Therefore, ownership was never transfered from the Federal Agency to you.
Definitions under MGL are real haphazard, so I'll defer to counsel to give you a definition or where to find it.
Common law meaning of the term should do however and there is no transfer when someone else retains legal ownership. To wit, if you are "issued" a company car in your role of Fed (or even your position in a private company), the car stays registered to the Agency/company that actually owns it. The day you quit, you must give it back because it does not belong to you. . .same with the gun in this case.