LCpl Carpenter approved for the Medal of Honor

Andy in NH

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Aug 14, 2007
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MoH for Marine Wounded In Afghanistan

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama will award medically retired Marine Lance Cpl. William Kyle Carpenter the Medal of Honor later this year in recognition of Carpenter's heroic actions during a November 2010 grenade attack in Afghanistan, according to a Marine Corps Times report, which cited unnamed officials as sources.

Spokespersons for the Marine Corps and the White House would not confirm the status of Carpenter's case to Stars and Stripes, pending a potential White House announcement.
Carpenter, 24, would be the 10th U.S. service member -- and the second Marine -- to receive the Medal of Honor from the war in Afghanistan.

Carpenter was nominated for the nation's highest award for valor following reports that he covered a grenade to save the life of his friend, Lance Cpl. Nicholas Eufrazio, during an insurgent attack in the Marjah district of Helmand province as the two Marines were standing guard on a rooftop on Nov. 21, 2010. Carpenter and Eufrazio survived the blast, but suffered severe wounds. Carpenter lost an eye and most of his teeth and shattered his jaw; his arm was also broken in several places.
i never heard of this hero...but i had the chills just reading about what he did and watching the video...Kinda speechless now on his actions and bravery

I couldnt tell what the image is in his eye tho..what was it
Thank you for your service Marine.

Anyone think for a second a guy like Barry appreciates this Marines service? or ANY member of the Military? In 50 yrs another Liberal idiot like him will put barbed wire around his memorial to keep him from seeing it before he dies.


Young men like this still fill me with hope for the fate of our country.
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