Keeping Guns Off Your Company Premises

Are the tort laws really that different in other states?

Even if the laws are similar the court systems sure as hell aren't; especially the discretion of the judges and juries. A dumb lawsuit that flies in MA may
not even have a chance of "taking off" in Texas.

Yes. As an example in most states if someone alleges sexual harrassment over a period of time the employer is only responsible at the point that they were notified. If the employer takes immediate action they can minimize their exposue. In MA if the alleged harrassment began in January and the employer is not notified until May and then takes immediate action it just does not matter. The employer should have known what was going on. Ask me how I know.

Great example. In most states the bar to a lot of problems is notification and what you do when you know. If you keep allowing it to happen, then you deserve to be whacked but here in MA, there is an attitude that businesses have all the power and if you sue them, they will just hide the evidence so we will make it easier on you and you don't actually have to prove any actual negligence on the part of the employer. Unfortunately there are lots of scummy businesses out there which provide, however flimsy, the justification for that approach despite the vast majority of businesses just happy to do the right thing and have a place to turn out a product/service and make some money in the process. It is even better if you like what you do.
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