Kansas to put initiative on ballots for Right To Bear Arms...


"Helmke also says he gets "nervous" when gun advocates "talk about taking up arms against the government." He explained, "When someone thinks that they, on their own, can decide that somehow the government is tyrannical and that they can start a revolution, start a civil war, then we're not following the process that our founding fathers set up."

Umm, Helmke? That's EXACTLY how our country was founded, by the founders? I am ferklempt.
These days what the "we the people" vote in doesn't much matter. I remember when "we the people" voted in a tax cut and Finneran took it away.

I found this comment humorous.

"Helmke also says he gets "nervous" when gun advocates "talk about taking up arms against the government." He explained, "When someone thinks that they, on their own, can decide that somehow the government is tyrannical and that they can start a revolution, start a civil war, then we're not following the process that our founding fathers set up."

If they worry about that then they should stop taking away what the people are voting in! If they fear something that's on the ballot then it shouldn't be on the ballot correct? My point is, if they know they won't allow it even though the people voted it in, then why is it there to begin with? To give the people a false sense of power for a little teenie while?

Helmke is also wrong about how the Founding Fathers set things up. He's referring to the way HE interprets it.
If our 2nd amendment rights were so well protected at the federal level, Helmke, why are you and the rest of the trolls Brady so incensed at this Kansas proposal? Could it be because your really believe that the Heller and McDonald 2nd amendment cases are only good until the next conservative Supreme Court judge retires or dies. Then you can count on Nobama to appoint another Kagan or Sottomayor leftist to the court to swing the balance back in favor of gun control? Kansas, God bless you and may the proposal pass by a landslide. I understand Wichita is lovely this time of year.

You nailed it, Jose. That's EXACTLY what the gun grabbers are hoping. That's why we need to elect presidents who respect the U.S. Constitution each and every time.

And I agree with Lupis42. I'd love to see the NFA bite the dust. I've been waiting four months already for an NFA transfer.
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