Just to get the hunters' blood roaring...

Oh, I hit it.

I have hunted and fished to put food on my plate because of the simple fact I was a disabled white american male who tried to get food stamps. I was granted initially $35/mo for food that quickly got reduced to $25/mo.

Hunting is still used today to put food on the table for many families throughout the the United States. Just because you don't have to do it, or know people who do doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I just added a piece of my mind.

****"Whats wrong with harvesting game. I have hunted deer at least once a year for the last 18-20 years. I have never got a deer nor have I ever shot at, missed or wounded one.

You know people cut down the habitat to make malls and condo's, shouldn't people thin the herd so these animals don't starve,

Do some research before you open your mouth. Hunters pay more to maintain the wetlands and preserve the woods then most of the bleeding hearts that want to save the animals by letting them all starve to death.

Take a kid out fishing or hunting and you will teach them about respecting life and being thankful for what we have. Instead of letting them think that chicken breast is cultivated under the plastic wrapper at Shaws."
JenniferInSC wrote:
<quoted text>
HUH? Teaching a child to KILL an animal teaches them RESPECT FOR LIFE???? Now that's rich, it really is.
--My reply--
No, your right! Just tell your kids that killing animals is bad. Then ask them to pass the bacon cheese burger.

Are you serious, you really have no idea what it means to be a responsible person. I hunt ducks, turkey, goose, rabbit, pheasant etc. I always eat it and am very thankful. I pay hundreds of dollars to licensing fees and stamps/permits and also help the economy buy supporting sporting goods stores. have you seen the wild turkeys around MA again? The hunters are the reason they are back. We payed for that.

If you despise hunters and think it is so wrong, You need to take a good look in your cart at the supermaket and then another look in the mirror.
This article needs some more comments. (please remove my handle before you do.)


Nice! Yet another article written out of nothing but sensationalist emotions as opposed to facts.

I see no point in huntig and have no interest. But that's where it ends. I don't try to project lack of interest and understanding on to others like that asshat is trying to do.
I love to hunt. The only part I dislike is the actual killing, but I love everything leading up to it and following it. I eat almost everything I kill. Some things I don't eat, like 'yotes.

The enjoyable part of hunting is working the dogs, spending time in the woods, setting up the right set of circumstances for a kill, and making a good shot. The necessary part of hunting is population control.
I don't even hunt and that article pissed me off. What a first class knob, best part about him ran down his mother's leg!
JenniferInSC wrote:
<quoted text>
Hunting for food and hunting for sport are two different things in my mind. If you NEED to kill an animal to sustain your life, then that's one thing. But for those who kill animals for sport, because they ENJOY it, they scare me. I can't imagine taking pleasure in a living breathing animal's death, nor in the thought that you may cause their offspring to die of starvation or being killed by other animals because YOU wanted the thrill or the challenge of killing their caretaker.

Thing is, all the anti's I have met do not and will not seperate the two.

Fact is, Hunters and sportsmen do more to protect and fund wildlife conservation than the 'conservation' groups do. Read up on the Pittman-Roberston Act as well as the Wallop-Breaux. Since its inception over $4 Billon dollars have been raised by these two acts, then add in approx.$300 millon a year from hunting groups such as Duck's Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Nation Wild Turkey Federation, Safari International.

The fact is, 75% of ALL conservation agencies get its funding from hunters and fisherman (U.S Forest Service). Hell, Hunters and Fisherman are the ones usually leading the charge for conservation and instead of writing letters to the editor, protesting some one or something, we are out there spending our own money to buy land and preserve animal habitat.

Give you an idea how much us hunters care for the environment, Duck's Unlimited alone has bought up over 11 Millon acres to be used in habitat conservation.

How much land have groups like The Sierra Club, PETA or other such 'conservation' groups bought?

One thing you got to love about liberals, its so easy to sink them with facts. Wonder what she will say about the land DU bought and how much hunters and fisherman pump into state conservation agencies.
Well, I contributed to the beat down on Mr Matt. FWIW, anyway. I doubt it'll change his mind as it sounds like it's firmly set in concrete.
One of these days, I'm gonna have to go out with a hunter to see what it's all about. Somehow I don't think it's about just slaughtering Bambi.
One of these days, I'm gonna have to go out with a hunter to see what it's all about. Somehow I don't think it's about just slaughtering Bambi.

For me, It's more about shutting off the phone and getting some fresh air spending time with my dad.
What a load of nonsense. It's amazing how people like to speak out their ass as if their shit don't stink.

I have a friend that allows an individual to hunt on her 100 some odd acres of land so that he can feed his family. There is nothing wrong with someone killing an animal for food.

Apparently this person must not eat any meat products because those animals were slaughtered by a human. Otherwise he's just a huge hypocrite.

Personally I belong to PETA. People Eat Tasty Animals.
wow what a load of shit, i dont see this guy building wood duck box's in swamps, ducks unlimted has hunters do that. i dont see this guy going out and being and hands on particpant of nature. i dont see this guy buying a fishing,hunting or trapping licencse every year of which the money go's to a wildlife fund. i dont see this guy going out and fueling his gift of life with the best fuel possible...VENISON. He rather just sit in his hot tub all day and wolf down a hamburger while calling us hunters a**h***s..... who's the a**h*** here and who has no connection to nature?

ANWSER: Matt Spencer
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A bad day hunting beats any day I've ever spent working!

The real ecologists, environmentalists, and conservationists are the hunters.

I personally dislike hunting, but I'm not stupid enough to try to tell others what to do. I swear, some people...

I don't care much for hunting, but it is mostly because of the whole process. To quote the comedian Ron White, "It's really early in the morning, it's really cold outside, and I don't wanna go." Though I do believe that everyone who eats meat ought to be capable of killing it themselves instead of relying on a hired gun to do it to avoid the squeamish parts.

One thing I note with amusement about growing up in PA was that I got the Monday after Thanksgiving as a school holiday. It was the first day of hunting season.
I'm not even a hunter (although I have lots of friends that do hunt, or have hunted) and I think the author of this article is a festering piece of shit.

I hope if the end of the world comes, and someone catches something, and he asks for a bite, that person says "no, f*** you, go catch something yourself. "

People like this guy that wrote the article are basically a waste of space in this country. In a perfect world we could deport him to some
non-industrialized nation where dirt farming is a pastime.

I have to apologize for my language, but frankly people like this jackoff just piss me off. IMO there is a special place in hell for people like this "matt
spencer" character. [angry] If they don't like hunting or gun owners they should move to some commie big dump city and leave the rest of us

beechnuts and acorns

Added my 2 Scents

Give Bambi a shotgun, then hunting would be a fair fight

WOW! This guy is an idiot!


Give Bambi a shotgun, then hunting would be a fair fight
By Matt Spencer, [email protected]
Article Last Updated: 07/19/2008 06:36:05 AM EDT

I have some sad news for all you hunters. Dogfighting is now illegal in all 50 states.

The last holdout was Wyoming. But earlier this year, the state that gave us "Brokeback Mountain" and legendary quail hunter Dick Cheney called it a day. Wyoming decided to join the rest of America in the 21st century and declare it a felony instead of a misdemeanor when folks gather to watch Fido and Rover rip each other's ears off.

What does your pristine "sport" have to do with the outlawed mayhem of ultimate doggie brawls? Well, you don't have to go hunting for the answer. I'll fire back the reality.

There is a difference. Hunting is worse. Hunting is deadly certain. At least when White Fang is brawling, he has a fighting chance. In hunting, the bullet and arrow offer no TKOs.

You hunters don't give a flying duck about protecting the wildlife. And I don't give a flying duck about your rights as hunters. You are not outdoorsmen, or sportsmen. To claim that you are conservationists would be like saying ExxonMobil is peddling the idea of getting more cyclists on the roads.

It astounds me that Michael Vick is jailed as a war criminal, deemed worthy of a Nuremberg tribunal, yet armed citizens are licensed by our states to get their jollies blowing Bambi, Bullwinkle, Braer rabbit and even Yogi Bear to smithereens.

As someone who has never executed a fellow mammal, I am even more astounded by the fact that states encourage children to join in on the kill shots. In the Bay State, I was shocked to learn that a child at the tender age of 15 can get a hunting license. I was flabbergasted to learn that Massachusetts will allow boys and girls as young as 12 to enter the wild shoot-out as long as they're accompanied by a "duly licensed" adult.
Then we track north where the rules are -- no rules. Welcome to Thunderdome. There is no age limit to hunt in the Live Free or Die state. A toddler can lock and load if that licensed adult hunter is riding shotgun. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but hunters have bloody promises to keep.

You can be too young to drive a car, smoke a butt, have a beer, or become husband and wife, but all ages are welcome in the Granite State to blast away. In fact, New Hampshire is on the hunt for kiddie hunters.

The state is pitching a youth hunting weekend for deer in October, where participants MUST be under 16 years of age. So, armed children can walk the woods with dad this fall and watch the deer fall, thanks to this lovely promotion by the state's Fish and Game Department.

"Because there won't be other firearms deer hunters in the field that day, youth have a better chance of succeeding in getting a deer than during the regular season," the state Web site excitedly exclaims.

The online campaign includes a ghoulish photo of a small boy named Patrick clutching the antlers of a deer he's just gunned down.

New Hampshire lives for animals to die. Fish and Game is also hailing a hope that because there are so many beechnuts and acorns it will "create some exciting opportunities for bear hunters." And of course the big shooting edge up north is the exhilarating moose hunt, where there is a lottery contest more prized than Patriots Super Bowl tickets. If you're a non-resident and one of the lucky winners, you can join in on the giant killing for a giant-sized fee of 500 bucks (pun most definitely intended).

But the kinder and gentler commonwealth of Massachusetts is also plenty fired up about hunting. Here's a partial lineup this year for hunters in the Bay State: Crow, pheasant, quail, ruffed grouse, turkey, black bear, bobcat, cottontail rabbit, coyote, deer (naturally), fox (a rainbow coalition of both red and gray), jackrabbit, opossum, raccoon, snowshoe hare, bullfrogs, green frogs, snapping turtles, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Of course, there are rules. There's no hunting on Sundays, and according to the state's Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, it is unlawful to hunt with a ferret. Targeting the market on wisdom, Massachusetts also order hunters to report any deaths -- of humans.

A recent federal report says that in 2006 the number of licensed hunters in the United States dropped to 12.5 million, down from 14 million a decade earlier.

If you want to bring life back to this dying sport, I have a suggestion for our Elmer Fudds. Give the deer bows and arrows to shoot back at all you Bravehearts.

Agree with Matt? Disagree? Let your feelings be known. Click on the comment line for this article at LowellSun.com and register your feelings
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