Just Another Reason Why I am Becoming a Prepper

It is really f***ing simple for the people who know how to get across the border, and cause harm within the US. There is plenty of wide OPEN areas, that's it's disgusting.
Can an EMP be reflected with a huge mirror...???

My personal feeling is that Iran is going to be the worlds problem in the future (I know this isn't breaking news). It appears that Iran may be willing to launch attacks on our own soil, which is a little scary. I'm sure the chances of this happening are low but nevertheless, I'd rather be ready if the SHTF!

I can think of 10,000+ more likely threats that the citizenry of USA will face before Iran that would require depending on anything to do with prepping. Iran won't/can't do much against the US, Lots of proxy wars involved with rn , and their own economic problems thanks to the US sanctions
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