John Rosenthal at it again

Dec 18, 2005
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Listening to 102.5 this morning which was a greater Boston radio show with host George Knight. He had John Rosenthal on today, this guy is unbelievable. He was spewing his usual garbage stating that all handguns should be "presonalized" to the owner, saying that technology exists where you could wear a bracelet that allows the firearm to be fired. He also beat the drum again for the banning of "military style weapons" (of course without providing a definition of this term). As well as stating that the Mexican drug lords buy their guns in Arizona and New Mexico (not from the corrupt military in Mexico). The very best part was when he stated that their are "all plastic Handguns that cannot be detected by metal detectors" of course the "host" didn't challenge him on one piece of "information" he gave out. Sickening.
Please be charitable to the mentally disabled!

Since John Rosenthal admits to having been shot in the head many years ago, it's obvious that this is the reason for his aberrant and irrational behavior.
I say shove a Glock in John's pocket and see if the TSA discovers it.

This guy is a useless piece of sh*t.....he would show up for the opening of an envelope.
Rosenthal is a shit salesman with a mouthful of samples. Everytime he opens his mouth bullshit is discharged from it.
I heard this on the way to the AFS match (where I am now waiting my squad's turn to get on the range).

The best part was about the bracelet that prevents a gun from firing when it's pointed at the person wearing bracelet.
The best part was about the bracelet that prevents a gun from firing when it's pointed at the person wearing bracelet.

this has been around for years but it will only allow the person holding the wepon to fire it. it has not been proven reliable and the cost is too high.
Yeah... the anti's are crawling out from underneath their rocks again now that McDonald v Chicago is close at hand.

Expect them to ratchet up the propaganda and fear machine even more for the next few days or so.
Please do not fault Mr. Rosenthal. He's only doing this for us. He knows that we are incapable of making decisions that affect our life. He knows that if we possess a handgun, rife, toenail clipper, steak knife or screwdriver we may hurt ourselves. He's doing this for US! Can't you see that? What is wrong with you people?


Liberalism is a mental disease
this has been around for years but it will only allow the person holding the wepon to fire it. it has not been proven reliable and the cost is too high.

I'd need to wear too many bracelets! [shocked] [laugh]
this has been around for years but it will only allow the person holding the wepon to fire it. it has not been proven reliable and the cost is too high.

Rosenthal started out by talking about systems that only allow the person holding the gun to fire it, and then went on to explain that there were systems that would prevent the gun from firing if it was pointed at someone wearing the control - as if that were a separate and additional feature.
Rosenthal started out by talking about systems that only allow the person holding the gun to fire it, and then went on to explain that there were systems that would prevent the gun from firing if it was pointed at someone wearing the control - as if that were a separate and additional feature.

Reroute all power to forward shields! Brace for impact of proton torpedos!
I wish a elderly person driving an overloaded SUV would drive over Roenshits empty head I despise that guy.
It would really be a suck day if you forgot to put on your magic bracelet before you left the. How about a "Green Hornet" style magic gun ring instead?
Please be charitable to the mentally disabled!

Since John Rosenthal admits to having been shot in the head many years ago, it's obvious that this is the reason for his aberrant and irrational behavior.

Considering where Mr. Rosenthal appears to keep his head most of the time, I sincerely hope that his buttocks have healed.
Listening to 102.5 this morning which was a greater Boston radio show with host George Knight. He had John Rosenthal on today, this guy is unbelievable. He was spewing his usual garbage stating that all handguns should be "presonalized" to the owner, saying that technology exists where you could wear a bracelet that allows the firearm to be fired. He also beat the drum again for the banning of "military style weapons" (of course without providing a definition of this term). As well as stating that the Mexican drug lords buy their guns in Arizona and New Mexico (not from the corrupt military in Mexico). The very best part was when he stated that their are "all plastic Handguns that cannot be detected by metal detectors" of course the "host" didn't challenge him on one piece of "information" he gave out. Sickening.

I read your post and contacted George Knight about this.

I will not post his response as I don't believe it was intended to be a public one.
He told me the point of his interview was to focus on firearm safety and he was open ears to anything anyone had to say about that. He grew up in a firearm owning family and said he would look into the false claims that Rosenthal brought up. He thanked me for my feedback.
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