Jarhead - The Movie

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
This was forwarded to me by my Marine buddy - Major Bill Donohue, Retired. It was sent to him by one of his buds. I definately won't be seeing the movie now...

Jarhead, the Movie
The "Jarhead" movie is a disgraceful attack on the dignity and honor of all current and former Marines. The movie does not paint any positive qualities about the U.S. Marines. It selectively amplifies the negative actions of a few, at the expense of the whole. This movie will undoubtedly have an extremely negative effect on recruiting efforts.

The overall theme of the movie paints enlisted infantry Marines as morally depraved people who quickly degrade into insanity, infighting and completely lacking in honor as Desert Shield progresses into Desert Storm. Individual scenes are exceptionally offensive to Marines and civilians alike. Examples of scenes portrayed in the movie include the following:

Forced hot branding / burning flesh of fellow Marines in the barracks. A platoon simulating group sex with one another in the field. "Friendly fire" bombs lighting a live Marine on fire as he climbs out of a truck. A Marine wife mails a video tape of having sex with their neighbor, and the entire platoon enjoys viewing it. Decline of an entire platoon into insanity during combat operations. One Marine threatening to kill another at point blank range with a loaded M16 in an insane rage, and then turning the weapon on himself and asking to be killed. One loyal Staff Sergeant is portrayed as having irrational love for his service. Excessive use of the "F" word. Excessive portrayal of sexual obsessions. No respect whatsoever for fellow Marines.

While U.S. citizens have welcomed Desert Storm veterans with open arms, this movie is Hollywood's way of spitting in their face. Please boycott this movie, tell others to boycott it, and I welcome your comments and suggestions about how to restore and uphold the honor of the U.S. Marines.

From the halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli' , We fight our country's battles In the air', on land, and sea. First to fight for right and freedom , And to keep our honor clean, We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines.

Sergeant Jeff Davids
It smelled like a smear from the adds and the little bit I had read. I didn't expect to watch it anyway, but this confirms it.

Good morning folks. I read recently that Hollywood has a line up of anti-American/anti-military movies ready to go. George Clooney and Matt Damon are in a flick out this month in which the jihadist is the good guy. Well on the bright side truth is still truth and we have that on our side.
Well, with Clooney and Damon as "our" guys, we had better hope that the jihadist is a good guy, since those two couldn't organize a ... never mind.

KMaurer said:
Well, with Clooney and Damon as "our" guys, we had better hope that the jihadist is a good guy, since those two couldn't organize a ... never mind.


Sue they could Ken...if you're talking about a Cluster-fornication. :D
Lynne said:


That's great. I gotta remember that.
I read the book, which I bought used and sold on eBay.

Swoffard is quite derogatory towards the Army, but that's USMC doctrine.

Among many bizarre claims, he makes the claim that they were shooting "dime sized" groups at 1,000 meters - quarter sized groups wouldn't do.

I looked up the world record for 1,000 meter shooting and it's a 2.6" diameter group. The 118 7.62 ammo is good but not that good.

After leaving the USMC Swofford went back to school, then became an English and creative writing instructor at a college in California. So no surprise that his book has lots of Drama.

I get the feeling that he's not getting invited to too many USMC Balls. Don't think he'll be visiting South Boston anytime soon, that's for sure.
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