Is this Legit? On-Line VA concealed carry

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I have a high degree of skepticism for sites that put up a "working" bar to make it look like they are doing something - in this case "Evaluating state and federal laws" with a delay inserted to make it look like they are actually doing a search.

They do the same thing after the "test" with a bar "checking your answers" for something that is effectively instant. The test is trivial - not sure though if they wanted 15, 30 or 45 second wait for a hang fire since I skipped the video when giving it a try.

You can see what they are offering for free - the $65 charge kicks in only if you want the certificate.

The only real test is "will VA accept the certificate?". Given the poor wording of gun laws in general, and the prospect of chargebacks, I suspect the answer is yes.

Note this from the VA web site:
  • Completing any firearms training or safety course or class, including an electronic, video, or on-line course, conducted by a state-certified or National Rifle Association-certified firearms instructor.

But $65 - who do they think they are? The NRA?
I feel like I should run an A/V and malware scan after visiting that website....
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