Innocent but still guilty.....

All I can say is, don’t trust the lawyers - even if you are paying your own lawyer - he will screw you given a chance, go to every hearing.

I’m sure there are some exceptions, but I would never, ever let anyone represent me without being there to supervise. The experience I have is my own lawyer signed off on delays and stipulated to things that weren’t accurate - because of the go along to get along inside the courthouse / you are an outsider Never Forget It.
Based on a long, ugly, nasty, expensive divorce, I agree 1000% with GM-GUY. in fact, of the dozen or so times I actually appeared in front of the judge, the ONLY times it was effective were when I went against my lawyer's "advice" and forcefully spoke my mind.

Bottom line for me? Unless I'm a criminal defendant, I'll be speaking my mind. Most lawyers, (not all, we have a few here that I trust) are doing a JOB to get PAID, not pursuing a cause because passion.
All I can say is, don’t trust the lawyers - even if you are paying your own lawyer - he will screw you given a chance, go to every hearing.

I’m sure there are some exceptions, but I would never, ever let anyone represent me without being there to supervise. The experience I have is my own lawyer signed off on delays and stipulated to things that weren’t accurate - because of the go along to get along inside the courthouse / you are an outsider Never Forget It.

Yup. "Your lawyer" is rarely your friend. He's a hired gun, he has no loyalty to you, just to your wallet. Like RadTekk, I had expensive child hearings and I was shocked and disillusioned. The lawyers are mostly friends, just arguing before the court. I also had the benefit of facing the criminal justice system, and it wasn't a great deal of fun. They don't give a damn.

There are exceptions of course. In Connecticut, my wife and I are lucky to have representation by an attorney that my wife's known for more than 25 years. She trusts him totally and I've seen nothing in the time I've known him to find otherwise. Personally I find him to be the exception to the rule.
Exactly. The first time i hired an attorney (other than house purchases) was for my divorce. Good guy, we got on the same page quickly. Even so, i did my homework, told him what i wanted, and reviewed everything (down to the most insignificant email) before engaging the opposition. He's the employee. The most significant stumbling blocks between me and the ex where when she did what her attorney told her to do, not what she wanted to do.

Same thing when i go to the MD, caveat emptor ...
That’s some bull shit!! Never thought I would be on the same side as blm on anything but here I am.
Not in the least......glad to see it getting a LITTLE traction.......fact of the matter is that these stunts are a contributing factor behind the hostility against policy/ lends additional legitimacy to many of the BLM/similar groups gripes....not to mention the fact that it further supports the notion of widespread corruption in state/fed justice depts.......

Ultimately though the problem lies with state/fed legislatures who have written the laws that enable this shit and dont put into place mechanisms for rooting this crap out/prosecuting bad prosecutors......

Who's watching the watchers?

Don't forget, it starts with the cops "just doing their job"....
It’s a rigged system.. It’s not about innocent or guilty. For the unlimited deep pockets of the state it’s about “making a deal” and NOT clogging up the court with trials. And getting a deal on something and having their success rate high.

For the defense it’s generally about taking a deal, minimizing damage getting paid and moving on to the next.

There are exceptions on both sides. But it’s an industrial scale operation. To push it through the system.
It may be getting some traction from the Netflix series ‘The Staircase’.

As for attorneys, read a bit about the BAR, and it’s origins and history. When you realize what they are and how they operate it helps explain some of the above experiences.

There is a reason judges and attorneys, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and civil attorneys all seem to be playing by their own set of rules, which coincidentally benefits all of them on an individual level, though usually not anyone else including their supposed clients.
..."Your lawyer"... has no loyalty to you, just to your wallet.
... The lawyers are mostly friends, just arguing before the court.
...They don't give a damn.
They probably have bets against each other, and golf together after.
I read somewhere that 90%+ of all court cases never go to trial, they're plead out. I'm sure that a significant percentage are too worried about rolling the dice, to do so.
I was told the same by a sitting judge. Neither side wants the trial, as it would clog system to a stand-still.
I was thinking this was going to be one of those [pics] threads.

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