Ingraham caves to the almighty dollar

"Hogg has faced intense criticism from right-wing conservatives and gun advocates who have falsely called him a crisis actor following the Valentine's Day shooting in Parkland that killed 17."

Umm, in reality he IS a 'crisis actor'...

Also, the hypocrisy of Hogg knows no bounds...
"Hogg tweeted later Thursday that an apology to save advertisers wasn't enough and that he'd only accept Ingraham's apology if she denounced the way Fox News has treated his friends.

"It's time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children," Hogg wrote."

So, because he got all butt-hurt over someone pointing out how he whined about not getting into four colleges, it's mudslinging. But what HE'S advocating for (repeal/revoke the 2A) is just fine... OK kid, wait until you exit puberty and actually have some real world experience before you start spewing bullshit and calling it high end perfume.

Personally, while I think what happened in FL is tragic, it's NOT a reason why we should have the 2A eliminated. These kids have no clue what the founding fathers created the 2A for. Or they do know, but either don't give a shit, or are just following their master's orders to try and get it revoked.

If I was in Ingraham's shoes, I'd tell Hogg to grow a pair of balls and act like a man... Oh, wait, he's not yet a man, so he can't. He's a winey little BITCH.
Too bad. I like tough ladies with big brass balls. Pushovers need not apply...

I saw the tweets. Sad that ingraham was quickly apologizing after calling Cockslave out. She paid the price.
What pisses me off as well is all of the advertisers that caved. Just more folks to boycott (not that I'd buy their crap anyway). BTW, I think that he is now 18, so legally, if not emotionally and intellectually an adult.
What pisses me off as well is all of the advertisers that caved. Just more folks to boycott (not that I'd buy their crap anyway). BTW, I think that he is now 18, so legally, if not emotionally and intellectually an adult.
[IMO] On the emotional and intellectual maturity scale he's around 10-12 years old.
You don't need those traits to be a voter or a whiny little f*** face. However, Laura should have stood her ground and let FOX take the heat or fire her. Her losing face cost her much more than a paycheck.
Agreed... The caving is going to take a LOT for her to overcome for a lot of people. She would have earned points if she didn't issue the apology. Let FOX be the go-between on that shit. Either keep her, and defend her view. Or fire her and release a statement about how FOX's view and her's didn't match. IMO, her having the integrity to stick to her guns would have done a LOT more good to her name, and credibility, than the course she took (after the statement). Bowing down to these skinflutes is NEVER a good idea.
Caving to this piece of shit is stupid.

He's advocating for the stripping of rights from millions of people, yet we're supposed to treat him with decorum and respect? f*** that noise.

Being at the site of a school shooting does not entitle you to immunity from criticism, particularly when your platform involves shitting on peoples rights...

Caving to this piece of shit is stupid.

He's advocating for the stripping of rights from millions of people, yet we're supposed to treat him with decorum and respect? f*** that noise.

Being at the site of a school shooting does not entitle you to immunity from criticism, particularly when your platform involves shitting on peoples rights...


This ‘children’ defense is being played so hard.
My kids can’t speak their minds without repercussions, what makes the parkland students any different?
CHRIST I feel like I've been betrayed by the only reason I watch any sort of news programs. Fox was my last hope at getting a fairly straight and conservative answer. Guess I might as well drop CATV completely now. Not sure why this bothers me so much, I don't have delusions that any of the media world has any views anywhere near conservative anymore.
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This ‘children’ defense is being played so hard.

I know. Imagine if someone tried to shoot up a retirement home.
Them old wartime codgers would leave the purp asking for a quick death and then go back to playing cribbage...

No TV interviews because all they would ask is "When's Supper?"
Something along the lines of "good riddance"?? Or maybe something more colorful?

BTW, what's your business?? ;)
I sent you a PM on my specific business.

What I would tell them. Roughly:

I would tell them what I pay in taxes and tell them to go f*** themselves. If they want to reduce me to the welfare roles I can benefit to the tune of about $50,000 in MA and sit on my ass and have none of the aggravation.

Putting me on welfare hurts you and helps me. Go for it.
Caving to this piece of shit is stupid.

He's advocating for the stripping of rights from millions of people, yet we're supposed to treat him with decorum and respect? f*** that noise.

Being at the site of a school shooting does not entitle you to immunity from criticism, particularly when your platform involves shitting on peoples rights...


Hello No! Screw the little twerp!
I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees.

Once the pride and dignity line is crossed, you have nothing left.

BTW, the pussy population is now at an all time high, so much sensitivity.
What pisses me off as well is all of the advertisers that caved. Just more folks to boycott (not that I'd buy their crap anyway). BTW, I think that he is now 18, so legally, if not emotionally and intellectually an adult.
They did not cave. They were always antigun.
Chinless Queef Boy only attacks people he can back into a corner. He won't tangle with any one through tweets and Instagram who don't have coward sponsers that he can "guilt" with his child status into dropping cuz they called his wiener ass out for the ignorant clown he is
Hogg is a demagogue. He says completely outrageous things, like the NRA has blood on its hands for money. And whenever anyone calls him on this, the left circles the wagons in faux outrage. "Have you no shame? He's just a poor teen that experienced a tragedy. How dare you attack this victim!"

Right now it's a pretty good racket. I don't expect it to last forever though.
If anyone on this forum lived through the 60's think Hogg and the media are channeling Abby 'Yipee' Hoffman 'Steal this Book'.... He departed this world at the age of 52 after taking 150 phenobarbital tablets and drinking a fifth of Manischewitz wine. Hell he didn't need the pills
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