If Liberals Had Their Way...

Mar 8, 2008
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1st time this had happened, but I had a dream last night that I was going off on someone that was anti 2A. When I woke up from that dream it just got me thinking and I honestly was losing sleep over it. Some of it may have been from a report that I watched on CNN a few days back by Lou Hobbs. Hobbs was reporting how U.S. Citizens were having their 2nd Amendment Rights blatantly attacked. He had someone on the show who said that guns were one of the most dangerous tools on earth and how people have insurance for things like cars, and equipment. He felt people should have insurance on guns. Well he also agreed with the price hike of everything firearm. Well here's a little idea I came across and I figured let's take that insurance idea and price hike and see what it looks like on our other CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, shall we?

I.) How about we charge a monthly fee for those of us who decide to practice religion and make sure we charge those damn (insert your religion here) a little extra, because their ideals are dangerous. People should really watch what they say so let's make sure they have insurance on what they say in case they get sued, and let's make sure that we make up some ridiculous fines when they do say off-mark comments. Lastly all organizing groups must pay their membership fees to US because hell they are just annoying and are always looking for a way to be a danger to the public.

VII.) What? This person wants to be judged by a jury of his peers? Well we need to accommodate these peers and that costs money! Pay up you damn convicted low life because we're not pocketing that bill.

VIII.) You're bail is set low Mr. (Insert your name here), but here are our fees and taxes that will put a nice little dent in your pocket.

Overall, you get the idea and I'm sure some of you could come up with a few ridiculous scenarios to justify my point. I hate to be preaching to the choir but I would hope this would just be fuel to the fire to those of us/you who are Pro 2A and are trying to convince these Libs that ..."the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." We have come so far in Civil RIGHTS and so many others, yet they keep on trying to take away our 2A RIGHTS. Rant off. I may feel a little bit better now. Thanks
A true "liberal" shouldn't need much convincing. Sadly the word has come to mean almost nothing these days other than fodder for talk radio.

A "liberal" used to be almost synonymous with civil libertarian. These days "Progressive" seems to mean complete trust of the government to always be benign, which is plain naivete, especially given the Bush era patriot act, illegal wire-tapping and "no-fly" lists. to be a "progressive" having just watched how easily and badly government can violate fundamental rights and still think government is always benign is plain stupid.

The entire left in this country should be more vigilant then anytime since the McCarthy era having just witnessed all that, but they're not. Plain stupid if you ask me.

You're totally correct. This is a civil rights issue and human rights issue, not a liberal/conservative one. You're either pro authoritarian government or you're pro-freedom on this issue. There's no in-between.
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