I would hope the straw buyer gets the book thrown at her.

If he was not a prohibited person, why did he try to use a straw buyer in NH?
Granted, any law abiding citizen should be able to purchase any firearm in other states. This would quick moot the MA stupid list.
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LTC is irrelevant, we're talking federal law here. Strawing a gun is illegal. Propositioning someone else for a straw is illegal. Lying on a 4473 is illegal. So that's an easy 2+ felonies right there. (I say 2+ because depending on circumstances they might use her to send him down the river and let her off so they can seal the coffin easily, depending on how dumb she was. If he's a PP that might be another thing, but if the transfer never happened it might mitigate that, cause they can't get him on FIP unless they have video of him fondling the gun in the store.

ETA: Down the road when this case is disposed of the feds have a search engine you can use if you really want to find the case and all the gory details. They "charge" for it but if you don't download a shitload of records every year it won't cost much or anything (there's an annual freebee allotment for those that sign up under some law ensuring public access to records.)

The sentencing stuff is a fun read, your eyes will probably glaze over. [laugh]

I think this is it here... https://www.pacer.gov/

There is always conspiracy as a coverall charge too.
Anyone else think about the stupidity of the laws involved here? This is a case of two people who are likely going to wind up in prison because one of them gave the other one some money and said "hey, can you go buy me a piece of metal and plastic?" Because that piece of metal and plastic is a scary gun instead of a TV table, they're both going to pick up multiple felonies for a victimless crime. [thinking]

meh...straw purchases should be legal. Everyone should get a gun as they slide out of the birth canal. Guns for all.

I'd nullify any jury where the only crime was a "gun crime".

But I didn't read the story, so there's that.
Lol I get the humor.

I agree that if I have a buddy that know is a good person and I know he is looking for something . Then I see it somewhere I should be able to grab it for him like I would a gallon of paint. Selling to a felon is different. But if I know a guy with a good ltc, I don't see an issue. Besides law I mean.
Lol I get the humor.

I agree that if I have a buddy that know is a good person and I know he is looking for something . Then I see it somewhere I should be able to grab it for him like I would a gallon of paint. Selling to a felon is different. But if I know a guy with a good ltc, I don't see an issue. Besides law I mean.

What blows is the supreme court had a chance to make Straws less retarded with Abramski but the went full fgt and punted. They could have easily issued a narrow ruling that would have made the existing laws drastically less retarded... but they fagged out and supported the vague statist bullshit definition of a straw purchase. Which is a lot broader than most people realize. And in the case of Abramski, covers non prohibited persons...... /puke.
My read on Abramski was that the guy was just unlikeable and even without a criminal record was sketchy as sh*t. Which shouldn't be the basis of a far reaching decision, but sure seemed that way to me.

What blows is the supreme court had a chance to make Straws less retarded with Abramski but the went full fgt and punted. They could have easily issued a narrow ruling that would have made the existing laws drastically less retarded... but they fagged out and supported the vague statist bullshit definition of a straw purchase. Which is a lot broader than most people realize. And in the case of Abramski, covers non prohibited persons...... /puke.
What blows is the supreme court had a chance to make Straws less retarded with Abramski but the went full fgt and punted. They could have easily issued a narrow ruling that would have made the existing laws drastically less retarded... but they fagged out and supported the vague statist bullshit definition of a straw purchase. Which is a lot broader than most people realize. And in the case of Abramski, covers non prohibited persons...... /puke.
I agree. That's what I was getting at. Super gay
My read on Abramski was that the guy was just unlikeable and even without a criminal record was sketchy as sh*t. Which shouldn't be the basis of a far reaching decision, but sure seemed that way to me.
Meh, they wiffed on purpose. All parties to the transaction were clean. There's no bad plaintiff problem the court just sucked for statism.
I've had guys try to straw buy from me over the years. Most of the time it was because "My buddy here is waiting for his LTC renewal, so just sell it to me and we'll do a FTF FA10 then". Bullshit. One guy got mad and said that he was going to call the cops to make me sell the gun to him. I gave him the number to Boston ATF and they both screwed. Another time I made two guys listen to the "Don't lie for the other guy" tape that ATF sent to dealers. Always something to break the monotony. Jack.
I've had guys try to straw buy from me over the years. Most of the time it was because "My buddy here is waiting for his LTC renewal, so just sell it to me and we'll do a FTF FA10 then". Bullshit. One guy got mad and said that he was going to call the cops to make me sell the gun to him. I gave him the number to Boston ATF and they both screwed. Another time I made two guys listen to the "Don't lie for the other guy" tape that ATF sent to dealers. Always something to break the monotony. Jack.
Although it's worth noting that nowadays somebody that's under renewal with the DCJIS receipt can legally buy whatever, no problem.... i suspect the incident in question happened long before that was a thing though.
This case seems pretty cut and dry. Where I always get confused is what if you are purchasing a firearm to be presented as a gift? Or what if you are buying a handgun " for your wife". Isn't that technically a straw purchase?
Someone recently asked me what to do in that situation. I suggest be give the person a gift certificate to a local FFL for the exact amount of the gun with tax.
Although it's worth noting that nowadays somebody that's under renewal with the DCJIS receipt can legally buy whatever, no problem.... i suspect the incident in question happened long before that was a thing though.
Back then nothing was a "thing" yet. The 4473s were a single page, no NICS check. There were 4473s for adjoining states and also in Spanish. All were in different colors. The FA10s came in a little booklet, three pages with carbon. One page for the dealer, one for the customer and one was mailed to the state. You could make umpteen mistakes and no one cared. Dealer audits were done by "mature" ATF agents who took a quick look at your papers. Always in the mornings so that they could take the rest of the day off. If you had any questions for the state, you called Mr. Hamilton Perkins who's title was "Mass. Firearms Expert". I called him once about the Green card. He said that it was a license possess just like it said and you could possess the MG anywhere in the state. On you, in your car, in your bed, at the ball game or wherever. Bored enough yet? Jack.
The current thread title fits this story perfectly:

Just damn. Never trust anyone with their eyes so damned close together. I'd make her spend all that $ on her defense. Although, then some scummy lawyer gets it. Maybe drop it out of a helicopter over her neighborhood.
The current thread title fits this story perfectly:

LWOP her. She should be charged with the murder too since she knew her son was a felon and in a gang, and knew he was delivering the guns to the gang.
Just being a gang member should be LWOP since they have o murder someone to get in the gang.
Back then nothing was a "thing" yet. The 4473s were a single page, no NICS check.
They are now an instrument of policy. There was a time when a AR lower was "not a handgun" and could be bought out of state. Receivers are now a specifically listed type so they no longer long guns and therefore not allowed for out of state purchase - with no change in law.
Lol I get the humor.

I agree that if I have a buddy that know is a good person and I know he is looking for something . Then I see it somewhere I should be able to grab it for him like I would a gallon of paint. Selling to a felon is different. But if I know a guy with a good ltc, I don't see an issue. Besides law I mean.
I feel the same, I know you are looking for something very specific. To take it a step further, I'm in Louisiana you're somewhere North. I see it, grab it for you and send it up to you. If we are both legal buyers, which is another story to a certain extent, what evil have we done?
I feel the same, I know you are looking for something very specific. To take it a step further, I'm in Louisiana you're somewhere North. I see it, grab it for you and send it up to you. If we are both legal buyers, which is another story to a certain extent, what evil have we done?

The legislators at some point or another created this convoluted straw purchase faggotry to use it as a piece of obstructionism against gun owners. It's not enforced
much (think about how stupid it is and the elements required to actually get a successful prosecution) but it is a huge infringement. Same thing with the "you cant buy gun X outside your state of residence" thing, as well as the prohibitions on mailing yourself a gun etc. (shipping a gun to oneself these days is nearly impossible without using a dealer at one end).
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