I’m so afraid..

But then, you didn't miss much. It's just a bunch of talismanic thinking and hand wringing.
Thanks man!

Holy smokes- that woman is not well. In addition, the leftist talking points are nauseating
Why can't liberals admit they don't want to be a victim?

This is a simple concept...if you don't like firearms, don't buy one, the end. Just leave me alone.

This person probably has a tic toc video out there somewhere pretending that the firearm wants to kill someone.
Am I part of the problem? Yes, yes you are. You are obviously emotionally disturbed and mentally fragile. You shouldn't be writing articles, you should be in your safe space. FOAD c***.
This was my thought, just by reading the quote in the preview I learned that this gentleman is exactly the type of person that you do not want owning a firearm. Scared, indecisive, easily coerced
This was my thought, just by reading the quote in the preview I learned that this gentleman is exactly the type of person that you do not want owning a firearm. Scared, indecisive, easily coerced
The author talks about her perfume, etc., throughout the story.
Middlesex County, Mass. has approximately the same murder rate as any European country.

But then, you didn't miss much. It's just a bunch of talismanic thinking and hand wringing.
it is rather peculiar as it started happening recently - the link like above takes long time to open, then opens, article comes up, a banner comes up with a 'close' button, then in 5-10 sec it blinks and all goes into a white screen.

Spot on. Leave us alone. Nobody here wants to hurt you. Mind your own g*ddamn business
it is an exact opposite what the goal of the article is. you need to be told what you business needs to be, and if not cooperative - yours must be punished.
These stories are like a ringing bell in It's a Wonderful Life.
Everytime a story like this is printed I buy another gun
Look dad! Everything a bell rings, an angle gets its wings!

Immediately remember the scene in the bar when the bartend starts slamming the cash drawer in and out...
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