hypothetical question?

Jun 8, 2006
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I have been involved with firearms now for almost a year, so I am still fairly new. I have obviously read many posts here about different proposals on gun bans and the end result always seems to be " DON'T WORRY, A TOTAL BAN WOULD NEVER HAPPEN", but... What if? Then what? Would it be game over for us? because last time I knew, We pay politicians salaries. THEY WORK FOR US! ( supposedly). I once remember one of your comments about a similar question. " IF IT EVER HAPPENS THEN THEY WILL SEE A WELL REGULATED MILITIA". So, What do you think?
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What if?

Laws are made from where the biggest PAYING Influence comes from.

The BEST chance for Gun Owners at this time is to do all that they can to prevent the ball from going into motion. I believe once it goes into motion it will not stop. The AWB came and lasted for Ten years and the Democrats want it back, they have the control and now after this latest Guns are to Blame crap in VT, well, your guess is as good as anyones.

I tried to convince people to refer to thier guns as firearms and even that little bit of a silly to some change, would hopefiully sound less hostile to some and win them to our side. We need NUMBERs to win the next bout and we need a lot of numbers. How we get those numbers depends on us and our actions.

I am afraid that after 9-11 and all of the other hoo-rah that has been going on, the media coverage of school shootings etc, the next Gun Control willl be MAjor and unreversible. I vote for Everyone having the Right to carry and on school property as well, but it isn't just up to me. I know we need as many on our side for this next upcoming battle as we can get. To even think it isn't going to happen is totally ignorance at its best. The NRA isn't the respected Organization it should be and they will be of little help against the Boxers and Feinsteins and the who knows who else. McCain is for Gun Control, he made those comments during the last Presidential Bid.
We need a lot of allies.
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