Howie Carr is vehemently defending gun rights

Good Job howie, and even better that my wife was sitting beside me in the truck shouting down the Antis herself [smile]

Man she's come a long way!


-Weer'd Beard

PS: somebody needs to get Howie to go shooting. He's a great defender of the 2A, but he says a lot of things that he should know better.
Considering all the threats that he got from Whitey Bulger he would be crazy not to have a permit.
I have invited him to come and shoot machineguns before via his email....don't know if he ever got the invitation though.

I would think he has enough connections to get to a range if he wanted too.
Sandi was telling him yesterday that for all his talk he ought to go to his local PD and apply for a LTC. Wellesley is in black, we have no info on it - but I seem to remember it's a difficult/impossible town (don't change it on my account, I'm vague on this one).
Sandi was telling him yesterday that for all his talk he ought to go to his local PD and apply for a LTC. Wellesley is in black, we have no info on it - but I seem to remember it's a difficult/impossible town (don't change it on my account, I'm vague on this one).

Ann, nothing is impossible for those that are well-connected!
Did you hear the idiot caller that wanted to remove the second amendment from the constitution?

He sounded like he couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag... The moonbats in this state are thick.
Good Job howie, and even better that my wife was sitting beside me in the truck shouting down the Antis herself [smile]

Man she's come a long way!


-Weer'd Beard

Heh! It is the same with my mother. A year ago she would have sided with the antis on this issue; she was not completely anti-gun, but only believed in "common sense" legislation. Two days ago we were driving together and I was listening to Neal Boortz and she agreed with everything he said and even poked fun at the antis who called in.

Hopefully the collective view of all Americans is slowly changing in a similar fashion.
Heh! It is the same with my mother. A year ago she would have sided with the antis on this issue; she was not completely anti-gun, but only believed in "common sense" legislation. Two days ago we were driving together and I was listening to Neal Boortz and she agreed with everything he said and even poked fun at the antis who called in.

Hopefully the collective view of all Americans is slowly changing in a similar fashion.

Well if its any consolation on Monday night I read various emails, posts, and messages from my various liberal friends. All were too the tune of "Wow! Weer'd Beard was right."

Right now we're seeing a LOT of movement by the Antis because they prey on Ignorance and Emotion, and need to strike while the bodies are still warm. Meanwhile once all the facts are in, I think our side will appear in full-force.


-Weer'd Beard
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