How would you handle this insulting anti-gun comment from a coworker?

Most of those people hates guns because they understand how easily they'd become a victim to their own abuse of power. Like the ones who say "I don't want a gun because I wouldn't want to go to jail for shooting the next guy who cut me off in traffic" That's not a society problem or a law problem. That's his problem, that guy admits that he gets drunk with power. Just like everyone in office.

I have said this for years and only ever got looks like "Are you kidding me?".

Offer to take her/him shooting. Sounds more ignorant of the gun culture than anything else. Remember what most people see/hear on the news and TV, especially in this state. A fair number of PhD's are on the spectrum and lack common social skills, especially in the physical sciences.
These are the people I deal with in an academic setting.

"So what are you doing this weekend?"

"The usual. There's a match on Sunday."

"You're really into guns, huh?"

"Sort of, I'm into competing, practicing a lot to try and improve."

"It's good that you're channeling your energy in a positive way, not going out into the streets and shooting people, ha ha."

"Um, that had never occurred to me."

take something big, like a .50, and drill 10 shots into a paper target. Proudly display it on the wall of ur office on Monday, Hillarity will ensue
Well, I've been planning to go all Mark Kessler on her ass...


But instead I think I will just counter the ignorance with a friendly correction and good humor.
You could say something like.
"Well your more than welcome to come along, or you could just continue to make insulting comments based on ignorance"
Some of the dumbest people I've met have higher degrees.

It really isn't that they're dumb per se, it's the everyday simple stuff that you just use common sense, it seems to trip them up......

Floor them, ask them to come shooting with you, promise not to shoot them accidentally or that you won't go "Dick Cheney" on them

This. I'm shocked when I read something and find spelling mistakes. Really? [rolleyes]

But yeah that was a stupid comment and classic projection. Not that I would deny him his 2A rights, but that's a really strange ****ing remark to make.

Ask her about her issues regarding projection and hoplophbia, and if she has sought professional treatment or just self medicating.

Damn, beat me to it.
Sounds like that person is a special kind of stupid. That comment is baffling to say the least.
That would be equivalent to asking a chef (who obviously owns and works with large knives) if he/she envisions stabbing people to death the way Charlie Manson and his sicko followers did! Can't fix stupid. People like that, I just ignore. Not worth getting upset over. Besides, I do not discuss guns or knives at work. Myself and a co-worker got ourselves in a bit of hot water about 25 years ago when a snippy little shit heard us discussing hunting rifles and she ran to Human Resouces, claiming that she feared for her safety.
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It is always difficult to say for sure without being there for the interaction. I think that she actually likes you and was initially attempting to engage you in conversation. I think it quickly went to a topic with which she feels insecure and that she was just displaying some social awkwardness and a lack of understanding of how a gun owner would feel about the mention of "shooting people" in the present climate. It would not surprise me if she felt stupid afterwards as I am sure the expression on your face probably showed that you felt hurt by her comment.

I think I would have smiled and invited her to go shooting with you - and then said "Targets" not "People" [grin]
It seems the more education most people get the dumber they get. I know a lot of PHD's and most cant make a decision on the simplest things and cant hold an intelligent conversation on any topic except what their PHD is in. It seems to me that most over educated people suck at life in general.
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A lot of PHd's voted for Obama....

Is she hot? or not?

If she did she's likely ugly....ask her if she shaves her legs with high capacity blades.
It is always difficult to say for sure without being there for the interaction. I think that she actually likes you and was initially attempting to engage you in conversation. I think it quickly went to a topic with which she feels insecure and that she was just displaying some social awkwardness and a lack of understanding of how a gun owner would feel about the mention of "shooting people" in the present climate. It would not surprise me if she felt stupid afterwards as I am sure the expression on your face probably showed that you felt hurt by her comment.

I think I would have smiled and invited her to go shooting with you - and then said "Targets" not "People" [grin]

I would just assume she is, yet another, foaming at the mouth left wing moon bat that is in truth so infinity superior, educated and better than all others.. The PHUD type that projects phallic symbols, penis envy, misogynistic behavior at every turn.. And that any action taken by any male is for the sole purpose for oppressing women..

But maybe I'm just projecting now...
These are the people I deal with in an academic setting.

"So what are you doing this weekend?"

"The usual. There's a match on Sunday."

"You're really into guns, huh?"

"Sort of, I'm into competing, practicing a lot to try and improve."

"It's good that you're channeling your energy in a positive way, not going out into the streets and shooting people, ha ha."

"Um, that had never occurred to me."

The best response would have been:

"Um, that had never occurred to me - but thanks for the suggestion!"
These are the people I deal with in an academic setting.

"So what are you doing this weekend?"

"The usual. There's a match on Sunday."

"You're really into guns, huh?"

"Sort of, I'm into competing, practicing a lot to try and improve."

"It's good that you're channeling your energy in a positive way, not going out into the streets and shooting people, ha ha."

"Um, that had never occurred to me."

ask him what he thinks the practice is for let him speculate alittle.
These are the people I deal with in an academic setting.

"So what are you doing this weekend?"

"The usual. There's a match on Sunday."

"You're really into guns, huh?"

"Sort of, I'm into competing, practicing a lot to try and improve."

"It's good that you're channeling your energy in a positive way, not going out into the streets and shooting people, ha ha."

"Um, that had never occurred to me."

Dont know how you do it! My wife is a pro 2a teacher...most of her Co workers are beyond ignorant and stunted...We are pretty laid back people but will not invite these a holes to our cookouts....cant do it! Its hypocritical...
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