How was the WP&R IDPA SO Class Today?

Doc did a wonderful job taking us through the course. Thanks also go out to the WPRC e-board that supported us through last minute date changes and full use of the indoor clubhouse and range for the whole day on a Saturday. The new IDPA SO's from NES are JAR, Mike-Mike, Willdeni51, Negotiator, and myself. I don't know the screen names of the other participants so chime in if I left you out.
It was a good class and I learned a lot. There were a few rules discussed where I said 'that's not in the book' and then it was. I'm looking forward to SOing next week. It should be interesting on the other side of the timer.
Did they teach you that unless specifically specified in a COF- Tac Sequence is NOT required for targets in the open? [smile]

Glad to have a bunch of new IDPA SOs!!!
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