How many Vietnam Vets are up for a LZ PICNIC?


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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I met one of our newest members for a couple of beers yesterday. He is a fellow Vietnam Vet.....and we were both there at the same time.

It turned out to be more than just a couple of beers! We had a blast![laugh2][laugh2]

I lived in New Mexico for almost 30 years, and have a lot of Vietnam friends there.

But in the last ten years up here in Mansfield I haven't met that many of our brothers.

Back in New Mexico a bunch of us started an annual tradition of getting together each spring in the Sandia Mountains.

We called it the "Annual LZ Picnic". Every grunt remembers the LZ jump off the chopper after being in the field for weeks
eating C-Rations. You get to the Company tent, and the First Sergeant is there with cold beer, a charcoal grill, and fresh Rib Eye steaks.[smile]

You grab a cold beer, then you take your bayonet, grab a steak and cook it over the fire. We didn't have any sides, or even paper plates. Your bayonet was your only utensil.[rofl]

Our motto was "Ribeyes, Bayonets and Beer!"

I think it would be fun to start that tradition up here in New England........anybody interested?

I guess the hardest part would be finding out where we could do it without breaking
some stupid Massachussetts law!
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Great story, Sky.

You could always make your way back to Monadnock again. I'll bet they wouldn't mind ribeyes, bayonets, and beer. Actually that would work at my fire pit too.
I'd be up for it, schedule permitting, if Viet Nam "era" vets are welcome.
You grab a cold beer, then you take your bayonet, grab a steak and cook it over the fire. We didn't have any sides, or even paper plates. Your bayonet was your only utensil.

Never carried a bayonet. Started with a nice Buck but snapped the blade throwing it at matchbook covers. We'd stand around seeing who could get closest. I hit another knife and that knife was bigger. I then obtained a Case and that was basically my knife, fork, toothpick, hammer, screwdriver, saw, etc. Spent hours honing it. Still have it.

Let me know when. I'll be there.
Great Idea. The last time I did this was at Qua Viet beach in Nam. The third Marine Division was there overnight, waiting for the Navy troop ship, a converted air craft carrier, to pick us up and deliver us to Okinawa after the decision had been made to pull the Third Mar. Div. out of Nam.
Just stumbled across this thread....Great idea 'Sky' Lets make it happen.

I have suggestion, The MWRA has a Rec area on the old WWII Coast Guard base at the tip of the North River, in Hummarock, Ma. right on the ocean, a small BX, barbecue's, tent sites, camper sites. Bayonets no problem GI, just tell then it's a fish filet knife. I just got back fishing from there this week. I you need a military ID, DOD, etc. not sure on the VN 'era' guest policy though...[thinking] Bring your Ma, bring your Pa. have them bring their bayonets ...Very small, laid back facility and beer is sold at the BX.... Questions ?
Just stumbled across this thread....Great idea 'Sky' Lets make it happen.

I have suggestion, The MWRA has a Rec area on the old WWII Coast Guard base at the tip of the North River, in Hummarock, Ma. right on the ocean, a small BX, barbecue's, tent sites, camper sites. Bayonets no problem GI, just tell then it's a fish filet knife. I just got back fishing from there this week. I you need a military ID, DOD, etc. not sure on the VN 'era' guest policy though...[thinking] Bring your Ma, bring your Pa. have them bring their bayonets ...Very small, laid back facility and beer is sold at the BX.... Questions ?

DD214 good ? Been a loooooong time since I had a mil. I.D. VA ID maybe ?
Just stumbled across this thread....Great idea 'Sky' Lets make it happen.

I have suggestion, The MWRA has a Rec area on the old WWII Coast Guard base at the tip of the North River, in Hummarock, Ma. right on the ocean, a small BX, barbecue's, tent sites, camper sites. Bayonets no problem GI, just tell then it's a fish filet knife. I just got back fishing from there this week. I you need a military ID, DOD, etc. not sure on the VN 'era' guest policy though...[thinking] Bring your Ma, bring your Pa. have them bring their bayonets ...Very small, laid back facility and beer is sold at the BX.... Questions ?

It's called Fourth Cliff. Run by Hanscom MWR. Need a military ID. Active, retired, or 100% disabled. If you have one, you can usually sponsor guests. Not sure of the limit if any.
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