Homeowner's Insurance and guns question

Pete85 has a good idea to contact the supervisor. Could be some moonbat pushing her own agenda. Would be a nice turnabout.

That's the problem. Short of writing the president of the company, I'm not sure that anyone can determine the "corporate policy"! To date it seems to be "whatever the clerk you talk to believes is right" so it is much like the 351 different policies in MA on LTC issuance!! [angry2]
Doctor asked my girlfriend if we owned firearms. She said no. Nurse practitioner asked me if I owned any firearms. I said no. Insurance company asked the same question. We gave them the same answer. When can't people just learn the simple lesson of keeping their pie holes shut? My parents might have been old-school but their advice was spot-on: The less people know about your personal business, the better! Very simple concept, yes?
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