HERE WE GO: Trans male arrested for planning Colorado school shooting, had anti-Trump manifesto |

Who GAF.

Don’t go mass murdering children and don’t be stupid enough to be goaded into it by psychopaths on keyboards in online forums.

From alphabet agencies.

In DC.

For example.

I don't care in the sense that I'm worried about mis-gendering it. I only bring it up because it's confusing in news reports what they are even talking about anymore because there are too many definitions now. The whole don't kill people part is already a given, so I don't feel the need to be the millionth person to mention it.
If you believe it's JUST democraps that do that, you're already part of the plan. ;)

I'd say the whole "trans people be killin" is more "mentally ill people be killin, but now they are ALSO identifying as trans." Don't get caught up in the hype.

People here hate trans people so much, they'll quickly subscribe trans nature to ANYONE that might be doing something shady. You can't catch theTrans. So stop worrying about it. LOL. "Shooter kills 5 in EBF, Middle-of-Nowhere." "I bet he was trans. That's what I heard on my far right propaganda podcast/YouTube of choice."

And if you truly believe that the Democrats have some sort of overarching conspiracy, not flinching every time someone is Trans might just mitigate all of their efforts.
Um , most of them self identified as such on their own social media.
Does pointing that out make me a trans phobic ?
Oh no's

“In their speeches about rolling back legal protections for gun manufacturers, lawmakers looked often to Sandy and Lonnie Phillips, whose daughter, Jessica Ghawi, was slain in the 2012 Aurora theater shooting. The parents tried to sue the companies that had sold the shooter ammunition and tear gas but were unsuccessful. Ultimately, the couple ended up owing more than $200,000 in defense attorney fees and had to file for bankruptcy.”

When leftists lawyers don’t get paid, they don’t donate to Democratic politicians. That’s enough for Democratic lawmakers to justify rolling back protections against bogus lawsuits directed at the firearms industry.
“In their speeches about rolling back legal protections for gun manufacturers, lawmakers looked often to Sandy and Lonnie Phillips, whose daughter, Jessica Ghawi, was slain in the 2012 Aurora theater shooting. The parents tried to sue the companies that had sold the shooter ammunition and tear gas but were unsuccessful. Ultimately, the couple ended up owing more than $200,000 in defense attorney fees and had to file for bankruptcy.”
WTF? How do the people suing end up paying defense attorney fees?
WTF? How do the people suing end up paying defense attorney fees?

Sometimes when a party sues another and loses, the defense can make a motion claim for fees on the plaintiff and they win.

The standard in England is that the plaintiff pays for defense costs if they don't prevail. It discourages baseless lawsuits and keeps less backlog in their court system. Too bad we didn't adopt that here.
Sometimes when a party sues another and loses, the defense can make a motion claim for fees on the plaintiff and they win.

The standard in England is that the plaintiff pays for defense costs if they don't prevail. It discourages baseless lawsuits and keeps less backlog in their court system. Too bad we didn't adopt that here.

The point being, anti-gun sympathizers egged them on to sue, they lost, and Democrat’s have a new reason to roll back PLCAA - to save those who file frivolous claims from financial responsibility AND to pay leftist lawyers, so they’ll donate to Democrats.
Sometimes when a party sues another and loses, the defense can make a motion claim for fees on the plaintiff and they win.

The standard in England is that the plaintiff pays for defense costs if they don't prevail. It discourages baseless lawsuits and keeps less backlog in their court system. Too bad we didn't adopt that here.
It will never gain full acceptance here, in the enlightened Northeast, unfortunately. Opposition claims that it deters people from suing for fear of losing and being on the hook for the costs and then they start throwing around the disenfranchisement and other bullshit. They make it seem like you actually have to objectively think you have a quality case rather than based on feelz. The judgment against Philips was correct and they were either gullable, stupid, or unprepared, etc.
Yeah, that’s retarded. Why is it that nobody likes to hear the truth, can’t we just read what it wrote?

What harm can it do? nobody likes the truth but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t hear it.
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