Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Mike, that what the AG wants you to believe. That's the reason why they grandfather items such as this in, it's because there are far too many out there. Remember after 1998 when they banned Glock's. The AG said if you buy a new Glock you would be fined $5000 bucks. Well guess what Mike ? Because of that BS many people wouldn't buy 3rd Generation Glock's even if they could. Why ? Because they were afraid. And no Mike, no one has been prosecuted for buying a 3rd gen Glock. These regulation are based on fear. Another words, they have no teeth. Mike, believe me this will NOT hold up in court, any court. However, our former AG has secured a lifetime position in Washington. Why ? Because she had the guts to take on the powerful gun lobbyists.


Obama's activism perfectly implemented on the local level. It has a potential to start the avalanche.
Mike, that what the AG wants you to believe. That's the reason why they grandfather items such as this in, it's because there are far too many out there. Remember after 1998 when they banned Glock's. The AG said if you buy a new Glock you would be fined $5000 bucks. Well guess what Mike ? Because of that BS many people wouldn't buy 3rd Generation Glock's even if they could. Why ? Because they were afraid. And no Mike, no one has been prosecuted for buying a 3rd gen Glock. These regulation are based on fear. Another words, they have no teeth. Mike, believe me this will NOT hold up in court, any court. However, our former AG has secured a lifetime position in Washington. Why ? Because she had the guts to take on the powerful gun lobbyists.

+1, yes, the sensible solution is to have POS politicians to resign in shame, but in our consequence free environments and politician can do whatever and get away with it. Mora just shown that she is batshit crazy, trying to get into Killaries good graces.
This isn't real, it seems like a hypothetical since we are dealing with baker here... I can't find any record of it. OP - please provide citation or response.

Unfortunately, looks to be accurate


Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, indicated his support for Healey’s ban.

“Governor Baker supports the Commonwealth’s assault weapons ban, believes our comprehensive state gun laws work well in protecting the people of Massachusetts, and believes that the attorney general has the authority to enforce the law to crack down on the sale of guns that skirt the assault weapons ban,” said Billy Pitman, the governor’s press secretary.
This! No one will be prosecuted because it won't hold up in court. If NRA , Goal etc would back one dealer they could keep selling and play it out.

This is Massachusetts. Of course it will hold up in court. What makes you think our judges are any less corrupt than our AG?
This is so far beyond firearms. This is government kicking all gun owners in the nuts and saying "what you gonna do?" If nothing is done, and I'm not talking standing like cattle murmuring some silly rhetoric, but hate to say it, something very, very serious needs to be done, not once or twice, but when the .gov pounces back, be ready to strike repeatedly.
What was done yesterday was not a shot across the bow, but a direct, intentional hit on Constitutional rights and a government challenge to see if those affected are just talk or will really walk the walk. Innocent folks have just been made into felons, your BOR was torn up in your face.
Think hard, real hard, this is just the beginning.
When is the non peaceful protest?
240+ years of history and short attention spans is all it took to turn us into a bunch of cucked faggots asking for our rights back.
The city of Somerville , and the their mayor seem to approve of that route.

the mayor said the huge b.l.m banner will remain up on city hall.

stating that the actions of a few members who shot police does not represent the whole group.

I'm certain that the mayor will remain consistent and support the thousands of MA citizens rights,
with the same logic.[thinking]

I put this in another thread, but this part is just plain disgusting. They know this is all not effective for violence.

Boston’s police commissioner, William B. Evans, who was at Healey’s press conference, said the majority of gun violence in the city involves handguns, although his officers take about a dozen slightly modified assault weapons off the streets every year.
“We’re not dealing a lot with them, but they are out there,” he said. “If we reach one manufacturer from pumping these guns out, I think it’s well worth it.”
This is Massachusetts. Of course it will hold up in court. What makes you think our judges are any less corrupt than our AG?

You need to stop with "This is Massachusetts"! THIS USED TO BE ENGLAND! Remember? Go back into your shelter and read up on how these few poor angry bastards made it into AMERICA! When you are done, you are ready to change something for yourself.
Do not hold your breadth. Stop watching and start moving on your own. GOALie was obviously texting when this shot came from the corner.

I don'[t see how throwing daggers at GOAL is helping. This is the time we really need to band together and not put a wedge between gun owners and the organization that has done nothing but help us retain our freedoms for all these years.

maybe make a suggestion that can help. Review the law, the letter, the billof rights...find a loophole to her loophole.

If you want to point fingers and cast blame point at the anti's, point at us who became complacent with an unconstitutional and oppressive law.

Don't kick the people who jump in the trenches for our freedom against an oppressive and out of touch government.

Anyway, my apologies for the rant. Just can't understand bashing the people that work everyday to fight for our gun rights in this communist state.
The majority of people in MA enthusiastically support this decision, that's the biggest issue.

Who was that dealer on TV a month or so ago bragging about who easy it was modify MA compliant guns and how the MA ban was a joke? I wonder if someone picked up on that.....
I noticed someone said not to deal with MFS (Mass Firearm School) because they contributed to this. Can someone explain that?

Currently calling my local rep and Gov. This is BS!

This is what I was thinking. They did a very good job showing the world on tv how a mass compliant AR is now different then a free state. Screw Them
You need to stop with "This is Massachusetts"! THIS USED TO BE ENGLAND! Remember? Go back into your shelter and read up on how these few poor angry bastards made it into AMERICA! When you are done, you are ready to change something for yourself.

You are missing my point, which was that having faith in the system to make things right is misguided at best. FYI, I am very well read in American history.
Our government needs to be ambushed like they did to us....

I have tried on many posts to show you that unless the government is busy working for us ANY government will use their freed resources to f us hard every way they can. They want us to move like butterflies from one "tragedy" to another "Boston Strong". Get shocked, get scared and move onto another shocking event while forgetting about the last one.

You need to push them to do the job they were hired for. Explain ISIS, explain Oregon, explain Orlando, explain laying FBI, explain tyrant in MA, fix roads, fix bridges, clean streets..... You gave up on them and they gave up on you. They are climbing all the way to a convention so they can show to other incapable egos how to control larger and larger mass of voters. Some by rewards some by fears.
So..........................if we are all felons, then we ALL loose our LTC cards and are PP, right?

technically not yet, as you need to be a convicted felon, you are just an alleged felon until Mora sends her goons to serve papers, after libtard court finds you guilty, then you are PP and your FA-10 is the proof.
I will never vote for Baker again. He will likely be a one term governor if he loses the 2A voters like us.
My point is that they go apeshit whenever a shell casing gets found. Schools get locked down, dogs and cats sleeping together - mass hysteria - etc.

This was Alinsky's point: GAME THE SYSTEM.

Go read the article I posted. He said to screw with the system by finding it's weak points.

So what happens if shell casings just start randomly showing up EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME.

How much resources does the government have to figure this shit out? How much whining will the sheep do?

How easy is it to drop a casing somewhere - ANYWHERE - without anybody noticing?

The whole system could go into a tailspin over one simple act.

I agrew that tactics need to change for the pro freedom side. Playing nice for so long hasn't worked, has it?
The majority of people in MA enthusiastically support this decision, that's the biggest issue.

Who was that dealer on TV a month or so ago bragging about who easy it was modify MA compliant guns and how the MA ban was a joke? I wonder if someone picked up on that.....

MFS in Holliston.
This isn't real, it seems like a hypothetical since we are dealing with baker here... I can't find any record of it. OP - please provide citation or response.

Sorry, I was driving into work and wanted to get it posted here ASAP.

Its very real. Boston Globe, this morning.
technically not yet, as you need to be a convicted felon, you are just an alleged felon until Mora sends her goons to serve papers, after libtard court finds you guilty, then you are PP and your FA-10 is the proof.

Because "most" of us didn't know the ARs (and other rifles) we've have been buying since 1994 were illegal, we will likely be given an opportunity to turn them before we are arrested. Obviously they can't go after everyone, so they will pick choose whose door they kick. The majority of citizens in MA will support and, perhaps, even demand this takes place (for the children).
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