Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Is it better strategically for the country if we leave this reinterpretation as banning all semi auto firearms in place until it can be fought via the courts? Am I incorrect in describing this as the best opportunity ever to eliminate future assault weapon bans?

Won't matter. The lower court will ignore Heller/McDonald and SCOTUS will decline cert.

Understand something. SCOTUS is never going to take an assault weapon case, because to do so would require admitting ARs are common use guns and protected. Let me repeat, THEY WILL NEVER DO THAT. It doesn't matter who you put on the court, it's not going to happen.
The courts are no guarantee. Look at the LCI issue that we lost recently. And even prior to the death of Justice Scalia, the Supreme Court declined to hear AWB cases.
But with this assertion by the AG we are effectively in a state where all semi auto firearms are banned, no? That has got to be a whole lot more glaring than the other cases that have been brought.
Mitt was a hunter ... a small varmint hunter ... he hunted 100 times!

Mitt and Diane must have taken the same hunting safety course that teaches how to hunt humans, specifically law abiding tax paying humans.

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If Hillary gets in and gets to fill SC vacancies, they may decide to hear a case like this and then we're screwed for God knows how long.
But with this assertion by the AG we are effectively in a state where all semi auto firearms are banned, no? That has got to be a whole lot more glaring than the other cases that have been brought.

Seriously, it doesn't matter. You're trying to use LOGIC, which doesn't apply to gun laws. Logic would dictate that Heller and McDonald completely invalidate CGA '34 and '68, let alone an AWB. The courts don't care, because they want "common sense" gun control too.

Humason's office provided a copy of the language in his bill:[/FONT]
SECTION 1. Section 2 of Chapter 93A of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2008 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting, in line 11, after the word "chapter" the following words: provided that such rules and regulations shall not govern, limit, or otherwise relate to weapons as defined in Section 121 of Chapter 140, the manufacture of weapons or the sale of weapons. Further, that any such rule or regulations having previously being promulgated are hereby repealed."

That amendment takes the wind from her wings. But the Copies and Duplicates must go also.
If they take away the AG'S "authority on firearm sales" (their words) then that should be the end of the AG's list regulating "firearm sales" No? If this makes it through you guys could come out of this significantly better off than you started.

Humason's bill would strip from Healey's office its authority to issue rules and regulations on firearms sales in Massachusetts, according to the senator's office. The language in the bill is available below.

SECTION 1. Section 2 of Chapter 93A of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2008 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting, in line 11, after the word "chapter" the following words: provided that such rules and regulations shall not govern, limit, or otherwise relate to weapons as defined in Section 121 of Chapter 140, the manufacture of weapons or the sale of weapons. Further, that any such rule or regulations having previously being promulgated are hereby repealed."

To make a move like this and end up with less authority, fewer gun regulations and the public smackdown. What a ****ing kick in the strapon that would be!
Prosecution takes time, work, and risks defeat. Healey will get much more mileage out of ramping up the threat.

When the next mass shooting takes place, all she has to do is hold another press conference and say, "At this time we simply can't accept the risk of having these weapons of war on Massachusetts streets. My office will extend prosecutorial discretion for owners of these weapons prior to our 7/20 statement and up until one month from now. Owners of these illegal weapons have until that time to turn them in to their local police or to transfer them out of Massachusetts. We can no longer be tolerant of those who pose a threat to us all."
Prosecution takes time, work, and risks defeat. Healey will get much more mileage out of ramping up the threat.

When the next mass shooting takes place, all she has to do is hold another press conference and say, "At this time we simply can't accept the risk of having these weapons of war on Massachusetts streets. My office will extend prosecutorial discretion for owners of these weapons prior to our 7/20 statement and up until one month from now. Owners of these illegal weapons have until that time to turn them in to their local police or to transfer them out of Massachusetts. We can no longer be tolerant of those who pose a threat to us all."

^^^ This
Prosecution takes time, work, and risks defeat. Healey will get much more mileage out of ramping up the threat.

When the next mass shooting takes place, all she has to do is hold another press conference and say, "At this time we simply can't accept the risk of having these weapons of war on Massachusetts streets. My office will extend prosecutorial discretion for owners of these weapons prior to our 7/20 statement and up until one month from now. Owners of these illegal weapons have until that time to turn them in to their local police or to transfer them out of Massachusetts. We can no longer be tolerant of those who pose a threat to us all."

I 100% expect this to happen, and all those wonderful anti COPs who like denying licenses to jump on the bandwagon.
That will be the date on my tombstone!
It will be inscribed: He fought for freedom and gave his life with the last breath of his lungs as a free man!
I join my family, father, brother, sister and my grand fathers brother that was never found in France during World War I.
I will be in a place that even if I am in hell will be better than living in what is left of what was once this great state!
I will be screaming from the voice of my soul the names of the men of this commonwealth that have done the same to protect our liberties!
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Prosecution takes time, work, and risks defeat. Healey will get much more mileage out of ramping up the threat.

When the next mass shooting takes place, all she has to do is hold another press conference and say, "At this time we simply can't accept the risk of having these weapons of war on Massachusetts streets. My office will extend prosecutorial discretion for owners of these weapons prior to our 7/20 statement and up until one month from now. Owners of these illegal weapons have until that time to turn them in to their local police or to transfer them out of Massachusetts. We can no longer be tolerant of those who pose a threat to us all."

At that point, either GOAL might take the friendly legislators' offer of an emergency grandfather clause. Or a court, even a MA court, could issue an emergency civil-rights injunction.

What she did is hideous and unconstitutional, but an outright taking is a different matter. Especially with no compensation. Even liberal courts take a dim view of eminent domain without compensation.
In my view everyone needs to step back and realize the reality here. Her actions likely won't hold up, but it will take time. Mass is not going to repeal its AWB, but there might be a window (given dissatisfaction on the part of legislators with the AG power grab) to modify it to some advantage, and at least to push back on her interpretation. It will take time. Obviously this is not something anyone wants to accept, but it is the cost of living in a place like Mass where every component of government and the the vast majority of the people are extremely anti-gun. It sucks, but to expect otherwise is to invite misery and frustration.

But, if you want to move the Overton Window, you HAVE to push for a complete repeal of the AWB, and removal of Healey. You can't ask for crumbs and expect bread. You have to go for the whole loaf!
At that point, either GOAL might take the friendly legislators' offer of an emergency grandfather clause. Or a court, even a MA court, could issue an emergency civil-rights injunction.

What she did is hideous and unconstitutional, but an outright taking is a different matter. Especially with no compensation. Even liberal courts take a dim view of eminent domain without compensation.

Liberal court: "But it's guns..."
Prosecution takes time, work, and risks defeat. Healey will get much more mileage out of ramping up the threat.

When the next mass shooting takes place, all she has to do is hold another press conference and say, "At this time we simply can't accept the risk of having these weapons of war on Massachusetts streets. My office will extend prosecutorial discretion for owners of these weapons prior to our 7/20 statement and up until one month from now. Owners of these illegal weapons have until that time to turn them in to their local police or to transfer them out of Massachusetts. We can no longer be tolerant of those who pose a threat to us all."

At which point it will be go time, and I will gladly die defending the 2nd
That will be the date on my tombstone!
It will be inscribed: He fought for freedom and gave his life with the last breath of his lungs as a free man!
I join my family, father, brother, sister and my grand fathers brother that was never found in France during World War I.
I will be in a place that even if I am in hell will be better than living in what is left of what was once this great state!
I will be screaming from the voice of my soul the names of the men of this commonwealth that have done the same to protect our liberties!

At which point it will be go time, and I will gladly die defending the 2nd

So the present situation calls for posting on the internet and sternly worded letters. But, boy oh boy, if she takes one more step then it's go time, right? You guys are deluded. Nobody is going to do a damned thing, and anyone seriously considering violence sure wouldn't post it on the internet.

It's fine to be pissed off (I know I am). But these maudlin hysterics and empty threats make you look weak, not strong. This isn't war. It's politics. Every component of Massachusetts government hates gun owners. The vast majority of Mass voters hate gun owners. There ultimately is no winning. At best you make a little progress here or there. But, as always, the people ultimately get what they want.

So just move to a free state and get over it. Or, stay in Mass and realize the situation you are in and will be in for a long time.
We all can't be like you and be in NH.
Were you at the Rally in Boston?
I was there!
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At which point? Dude, we're already at that point. She already unilaterally altered law and made you a felon. How many times does she have to do it before you admit it's happening?

What she's done can, and hopefully will, be undone. Going house to house and confiscating personal property at gunpoint lest you be thrown in jail or killed is a different story.
So just move to a free state and get over it. Or, stay in Mass and realize the situation you are in and will be in for a long time.

So tired of see this line of bullshit. You think it stops with MA? This anti-gun leftist attitude is a systemic infection across the entire country's body politic. So go ahead, move to NH, and see how long until the same thing starts happening there.
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