He shot himself, then lied, cops say

Mar 31, 2005
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Illegial Use of a firearm and possession of a stolen firearm and he gets a $250.00 bail. So why make new laws when the old ones aren't enforced.
He shot himself, then lied, cops say
Thursday, November 16, 2006

SECAUCUS - Town police have arrested a man who apparently accidentally shot himself on Monday night.

James Rodriguez, 26, of Secaucus, was treated and released for a gunshot wound to the lower abdomen, then was arrested and charged with providing false information to police officers, receiving stolen property and various weapons counts, Capt. John Buckley said.

Rodriguez was called that night by a friend, Monzer Said, 26, also of Secaucus, who said someone was coming to his home to collect a debt, Buckley said.

Rodriguez went to Said's house on Born Street with a .45 caliber handgun - which had been reported stolen out of Pennsylvania, and was loaded with hollow-point bullets - presumably shoved in his waistband, Buckley said.

At some point, Buckley said, the gun went off.

Police, responding to a call from the 800 block of First Street, were met by Rodriguez, who told them he'd been shot by two men at Shopman Drive and Julianne Terrace, but police soon determined his claim was false, Buckley said.

Rodriguez then told police he'd accidentally shot himself on Born Street, Buckley said.

Said also has been charged with providing false information to police for obstructing the investigation, Buckley said.

Asked whether Rodriguez is related to a member of the Secaucus Police Department - as some residents have told The Jersey Journal - Buckley said he could not comment.

Rodriguez was released from custody after posting bail, which was set at $2,500 with a 10 percent cash option. A court date is pending for next Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Central Judicial Processing Court.
Asked whether Rodriguez is related to a member of the Secaucus Police Department - as some residents have told The Jersey Journal - Buckley said he could not comment.

Bet on it - possession of stolen property, possession of a firearm, carrying said firearm, carrying with hollowpoints (BIG no-no in NJ, as I'm sure YOU know).... and $250 bail. [rolleyes]

Oh, yeah... he knows or is related to someone.
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