Hamilton R&G - safety incident

May 22, 2015
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Got an email yesterday that the pistol house at HRG was shut down until further notice due to a "safety related incident".

Anybody have any details?
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if it's an internal issue, don't talk about it in the open. Unless, and until the facts are known, and a general safety lesson can be learned.

Just my .02
It does sound like a safety lesson can be learned here... If so, please share if you can.
They are so strict at Hamilton , you coudl fart and be called for a safety violation.

Umm, wut?

I've had nothing but positive experiences with both general members and committee/board/executive members. From the older gent's at the rifle range who like to tell their stories, to the younger crowd at the pistol house who are happy to see another shooter and offer up the chance to shoot a different pistol.

I received the email too along with another one for a work party to remove rocks. So my completely fiction-based assumption is that something happened to a Darwin nominee that was shooting at rocks.

Its a great club.
I too have had a lot of positive interactions with the people at Hamilton...overall great club.

but very once in while....
It appears they are increasing the height of the berms at the pistol range.
That's all I have to say , you will get an email with more detail .
Thanks for the heads up. I showed this to my wife and she was like "WTF, that berm is yuge!"

It is. Makes me further believe that whatever happened isn't a fluke... definitely Darwin.

There are a lot of new shooters out there. Most are careful but there are a few yahoos among the bunch. I try to educate them but for some, you just have to call them out.
A projectile did get over the berm. There were no injuries and the club is not going to wait for one to make some changes. The pistol range is still closed while improvements are made (remove rocks, raise berm, change angles of reflector steel, etc.)
A projectile did get over the berm. There were no injuries and the club is not going to wait for one to make some changes. The pistol range is still closed while improvements are made (remove rocks, raise berm, change angles of reflector steel, etc.)

I think the better corrective action is throwing out retards. The height of the berm is not going to fix stupid.

I was a member of Putnam in CT when the POLICE had the range to themselves for the day, lobbed a pistol round over the 25-30ft hill the 100yd range is cut into, hit a person at the fair 800 yardsa way in the gut, and the cops tried to let the victim sue the range for negligence.
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I think the better corrective action is throwing out retards. The height of the berm is not going to fix stupid.

I was a member of Putnam in CT when the POLICE had the range to themselves for the day, lobbed a pistol round over the 25-30ft hill the 100yd range is cut into, hit a person at the fair 800 yardsa way in the gut, and the cops tried to let the victim sue the range for negligence.

It's not my fault I can't keep my rounds on the range, it must be someone else's.

I agree with the sentiment about removing unsafe shooters (FIFY). That requires the membership to step up and say something, though.
The problem is that it's very hard to catch offenders. Personally, I don't pay attention to where others are hitting when I'm at the range and if someone sent one over the berm, I wouldn't notice. Similar problem if someone is at the range alone and then there's really no accountability - we have this issue at my club but with debris, trash, and damaged property, rather than safety violations, thankfully. I doubt many of us want ROs, cameras, etc...
Kudos to the club for taking action before there is a problem.

I agree that if you have unsafe chuckleheads, you try to correct them but if it is intentional or they refuse to comply give them the boot.

However as Kalash stated, I don't watch where other people's rounds are going unless I'm teaching/coaching and informing the shooter where they are hitting so they can improve their shooting ability.

As for rocks, yes they are a ricochet hazard but you just can't remove all of them. On the other hand I recall a range that had a huge bolder in front of the 100 yd berm! Years later they had it removed which was a good thing.
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