H4102 is DEAD Congratulations all and thank you.

HAMMER this guy's office!

According to his aide, for every 5 calls from outside his district against 4102, he's getting 10 calls from inside FOR it. KEEP CALLING!!

Senator John Hart 617.722.1150

isn't he the same one that said it had already passed?

even better, have your Rep and Senator hammer him. Or he can vote for it and take his chances in November.
isn't he the same one that said it had already passed?

even better, have your Rep and Senator hammer him. Or he can vote for it and take his chances in November.

Yes. He has mattapan and dorchester in his district. And see above, he knows that this law will not be effective.
Is it too late to somehow take out a full page add in the Globe that would show how this bill would do NOTHING to prevent violence, as well as show how H2259 would be a good thing?
Is this something that can be done?[thinking]
Email sent. Unable to call today, but will tomorrow, if it's not over. [angry]

Even if the committee votes on it today there's still a long way for this to go before it becomes law. It's not over until it's over.
I have it from a very good source that H.4102 is out of committee with a favorable report. It will now go to the House floor for formal discussion.

I will update as soon as I have more info.
I have it from a very good source that H.4102 is out of committee with a favorable report. It will now go to the House floor for formal discussion.

I will update as soon as I have more info.

This was to be expected. Now it's time to start working on the Reps who weren't in the committee. Find out who your reps are and let them know how you feel. It's not over till it's over.

... Polling does not close until the end of today. KEEP CALLING JUDICIARY MEMBERS!

Bump, please see OP for todays update

... One fewer anti-gun vote on the Judiciary Committee [smile]

... vote in opposition (no) to this bill.

Just so you know, they have "X" amount of time to "Poll" (vote) on this legislation. Word is that the voting on this will close at the end of business today, this is not confirmed.

Please continue to call the committee members, please don't forget to call your State Rep's and Senator and ask them to urge the committee members to vote in opposition to this.

They will pass it

Even if the committee votes on it today there's still a long way for this to go before it becomes law. It's not over until it's over.

I have it from a very good source that H.4102 is out of committee with a favorable report. It will now go to the House floor for formal discussion.

I will update as soon as I have more info.

Does this mean they are going to debate it TONIGHT? I know sometimes they do late sessions, but the Celtics are on and everything...
Does this mean they are going to debate it TONIGHT? I know sometimes they do late sessions, but the Celtics are on and everything...

No. It was committee voting that closed today and came back favorably (for the bill, not for us). It will now more-or-less-immediately go to the House for a first reading, and then be referred to the Committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, which will set a schedule for debate.
Now is the time when you MA folks need to get pushy. Keep on this one, I think you can beat it, you've just got to not get burned out until its all said and done. Too many times people go nuts on the phones and the emails right off the bat, then the thing gets out of comittee and people kind of quiet down or burn out. Now is the time where you get all of your friends involved. Now is the time when you get the fudds involved. Get that guy that is always lingering around the club bitching about the way things are but never does anything to stop it. Call your grandma, call your dentist, call your bookie. Just keep on it. Put the pressure on. Remind them of the election of Scott Brown, remind them of the upcoming elections. Don't stop.
A crazy idea just came to me. What if we contacted the members of the Steering committee, and asked them to hold off on debate on H4102 until H2259 has been reported out of committee? If both bills were under consideration on the House floor at the same time, it would really change the nature of the debate in a good way.
I have it from a very good source that H.4102 is out of committee with a favorable report. It will now go to the House floor for formal discussion.

I will update as soon as I have more info.

Can I ask that you post a roll of how each committee member voted on this atrocity? I'm tired of these dipshits selling my liberty short for their perceived political gain, and would like to be able to do anything I can to support the opponents of those who voted to pass this out of committee.
Senators/Representatives again have a note in their inbox in regards to this bill.

Who else can we write? What are our next steps in voicing our opposition to this?

Thanks GOAL for keeping on top of this!
I called & emailed my Senator (Tisei) today who is also on the Steering & Policy Committee, hopefully it helps.

I would contribute $$ if GOAL thought it would be useful to take out a full-page ad in the Globe (or similar) to highlight the deficiencies of this bill and contrast it against H2259.
For now lets worry about the next vote, we can review who did what when the dust settles

Normally I'd agree, but it feels like this is a critical time for any opponents to get their campaigns organized and running. Since my own senator/representative are relatively good on these matters it would be nice to know where I can spend time and effort to get the message across that this sort of thing has consequences.
I just got back from a meeting with Rep Brad Jones' legislative aide. He said the best thing we can do for ourselves is to keep calling in to oppose this bill. The earliest it comes back up is Wed.
I just got back from a meeting with Rep Brad Jones' legislative aide. He said the best thing we can do for ourselves is to keep calling in to oppose this bill. The earliest it comes back up is Wed.

Thanks for the information. I have called each person on the list at least twice and sent emails....does it help when one person calls multiple times of do you think they disregard comments from 'repeat offenders'?
Thanks for the information. I have called each person on the list at least twice and sent emails....does it help when one person calls multiple times of do you think they disregard comments from 'repeat offenders'?

Well, now it will only help if you people call your reps. Just don't call often enough that they recognize. Or call on behalf of others... [wink]
I don't know if it will do any good but I contacted Scott Browns offices in D.C. and Ma. Asked his aids to make him aware of how Devil is trying to ram this shit down our throats and if he (Scott) could let the pols here know that he stands behind GOAL not the govz bill.
I figured it was at least worth a shot.
Ann Gobi and Geraldo Alicea are against the bill. Still no response from my senator

Thank you for writing to me about H4102, introduced by Governor Patrick to tighten gun control in the Commonwealth. As you may know, I have always been a strong supporter of second amendment rights and an opponent of the unnecessary restriction and regulation of firearms.

As a staunch supporter of the rights of law-abiding gun-owners, I do not approve of this attempt by Governor Patrick to further tighten already restrictive state firearms regulations. I firmly believe that the many of the provisions contained within Governor Patrick’s bill are either unneeded, due to already existing state and federal laws, or just lead us in the wrong direction. I fully intend to vote against it if it is brought to the floor of the House for a vote.

As an alternative to the Governor’s bill, I fully support H.2259, introduced by the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL). GOAL’s bill makes it very clear that there is an individual civil right to keep and bear arms and that the government must operate under that presumption. It will institute the use of understandable and commonsense terminology that is understood by the firearms owning community, remove restrictive storage laws that have been found to be unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, and make laws easier to understand and find by separating into concise, short sections those laws which are unnecessarily long and complicated. I support all of these aims, and I would be proud to lend my full support to this bill on the House floor.

I would like to thank you again for contacting me regarding this important issue. I hope that I have been able to make my position clear to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Geraldo Alicea

State Representative

6th District of Worcester
I would contribute $$ if GOAL thought it would be useful to take out a full-page ad in the Globe (or similar) to highlight the deficiencies of this bill and contrast it against H2259.

I'm in on that and will help make a dent in the cost of an ad.
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