"Guns Save Lives" - John Stossel Column

Agreed. But that would required pulling their heads ouf of...the sand [smile] to do so.

wow, love some of the comments - in particular the yahoo from the UK.

BTW, Stossel is covering this tomorrow night on his show (Thurs). I set my DVR.
It's what happened in 2002 at the Appalachian School of Law. Hearing shots, two students went to their cars, got their guns and restrained the shooter until police arrested him.

Likewise, law professor Glen Reynolds writes, "Pearl, Miss., school shooter Luke Woodham was stopped when the school's vice principal took a .45 from his truck and ran to the scene. In (last) February's Utah mall shooting, it was an off-duty police officer who happened to be on the scene and carrying a gun".

Funny how stories such as these don't get much news coverage. Maybe that's just a coincidence and I happened to not read the news for days at a time, or maybe they weren't covered much because they didn't fit the "masses of innocents slaughtered by assault weapons" narrative.
love this quote

"If someone gets into your house, which would you rather have, a handgun or a telephone? You can call the police if you want, and they'll get there, and they'll take a picture of your dead body. But they can't get there in time to save your life. The first line of defense is you."
I just got done shooting the Stossel Gun Control show that airs Thursday. Got to meet McDonald from the McDonald VS Chicago case.
I wonder if the joke from the UK has take a look around his surroundings lately..........how is that gun control working out it is amazing the libs and lib minded are like the beginning of "Shaun of the dead" when he is walking right past all the zombies and blood and just grabs his paper and keeps going.
Funny how stories such as these don't get much news coverage. Maybe that's just a coincidence and I happened to not read the news for days at a time, or maybe they weren't covered much because they didn't fit the "masses of innocents slaughtered by assault weapons" narrative.

you weren't the only one to miss them!
I was fighting an urge to want to smack the Brady guy. "we don't want to out right ban guns, just want reasonable gun control." Um, yah. Right. Then he did everything to defend the DC gun ban. (I paraphrase) Stossel: Crime went up after the ban. Reponse: it would have gone up MORE if it weren't for the gun ban. Stossel: Crime went down after repealing the ban. Response: you can't prove it was because of repealing the ban. [banghead]
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