Guns and God by Devvy Kidd


Jun 18, 2007
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Guns and God

Guns and God
Devvy Kidd

"Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss." -Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

There is an estimated 80-plus million gun owners in this country. For nearly a half century gun owners have been fighting Congress and the state houses over one anti-Second Amendment bill after another. For half a century, gun owners have continued to win a skirmish without ever winning the war.

Barack Hussein Obama is dangerous to freedom and liberty and your gun rights. In the weeks leading up to the hoax called the November 4, 2008, elections, gun sales went through the roof; the pace continues. Gun owners who paid attention to Obama's record and position on the Second Amendment became very, very afraid. With a Democrat controlled Congress, there will be no one to stop Obama from signing unconstitutional guns bills into law.

Where were the gun owners on election day? If only 50% of gun owners voted, roughly 40 million strong, even vote fraud could not have pushed Obama over the top. If every gun owner in this country voted last week, or close to 100% against Obama, I wouldn't be writing this column. How many gun owners voted for Obama for the promise of 'universal health care'? Congress has NO authority to legislate such a monstrosity that would put a bullet through the heart of an already comatose economy. How many gun owners voted for Obama because he promised to create jobs? The president has NO authority to create a single job. Only the House of Representatives has the authority under Art. 1, Sec. 8., to raise bills of expenditure for a limited form of republican government.

Congress is responsible for the collapse of our monetary system and current financial breakdown. Congress destroyed the finest health care system in the world. Do people actually believe the same old Congress allegedly just rehired is going to fix the problem after decades of ignoring the real solutions? Gun owners who voted for promises that will never be kept will soon see they voted for America's destruction if they don't hunker down, stop trying to fight brush fires and put an end to the problem once and for all.

(click link to read rest of story)

I bet 50% of gun owners did vote, but a big enough portion probably voted for Obama simply because they placed 2A rights below more pressing needs in their lives. Or they believed the BS from Obama's camp and think because they don't have or want an AR, they were safe. One thing is certain, we will find out who was right soon enough.
I bet 50% of gun owners did vote, but a big enough portion probably voted for Obama simply because they placed 2A rights below more pressing needs in their lives. Or they believed the BS from Obama's camp and think because they don't have or want an AR, they were safe. One thing is certain, we will find out who was right soon enough.

As I posted in another thread, I know at least 6 people who voted Obama because he wasn't pro-life, and he wasn't anti-gay marriage. I don't recall the thread, I should find it because I wanted to reply to someone who replied to me saying, they voted McCain because of the pro-life/anti-gay marriage....
Unfortunatly there are too many gun owners that think people only need certain types of guns and not those EBR's or handguns etc.
Also they don't have enough sense to realize that when those are gone, thiers will be next.
We have lost too many freedoms as it is and if and when the 2nd goes most likely there goes the rest.
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