Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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We're recommending a public service campaign for family members of troubled gun owners to take away their gun

excellent, pit spouses against spouses - excellent old Soviet tactic
Part of firearms training should be a "suicide prevention component"

like "Don't shoot yerself?" OK
Not on the list. Enforcing current laws and sending criminals who use guns to prison for very long periods of time as opposed to harassing law abiding citizens who pose no risk to the public.
So when the duck do we rally
You want to enact real change? Then use your time and energy not at a pep rally, but working for and supporting pro gun candidates.
If you are on Facebook. EVERY Candidate you find should be asked these questions:
Please state your position on gun control.
Are you a gun owner?
What is your position on the assault weapons ban?
Do you feel teachers should be armed in schools?
Do you feel Police Chiefs should decide who gets a pistol permit ?

Thank you.
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You all are getting confused, this will most likely be like the 'Fiscal/Economic Blue Ribbon Panel' that 0bama appointed 3 or 4 years ago. They came out with a list of recommendations, none have been followed.

This will probably be the same, the bill has been written for months (maybe before the hearings even started - but they will never admit that) - now it's time to get the bill 'released', on the calendar and voted on in - a week?
McDevitt: "Our goal shouldn't be to be better than other states", but to be as good in gun safety as Western Europe.

he forgot about this little thing....

and this....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
If there are mandated ffl transfers and the list restricts what can be transferred how do you buy something off list?


That is part of the plan reduce the number of guns we can buy here and eventually there will be no mass legal guns, you don't have to overturn the 2nd Amendment if there are no guns, or no ammo (restrictions to follow)
It recommended that the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association help define a series of factors that could be used to prohibit “unsuitable persons” from acquiring firearms. The panel said the current process allows local law enforcement officials too much discretion to determine whether a person is suitable to be granted a license to carry.

Not sure I understand how those two sentences fit together. The second sounds positive (for us) at first. But I think what they're getting at is that they believe some licensing authorities are handing out LTC's to individuals who might not be "suitable" enough. JFC.

ETA: also from the Globe...

It also said Massachusetts should require anyone wanting to purchase a hunting rifle or a shotgun to pass those standards of suitability. That could allow local police chiefs to deny gun purchases to people who have been arrested, but not convicted, of a crime.

Again, not sure what that means. I think what they're saying is that they believe FID's should no longer be "shall issue". But I'm taking the second sentence to read that they also want to make it so you can be statutorily denied an LTC based solely on an arrest and not specifically a conviction. (How many of you guys have CWOF's??) [rolleyes]
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Not sure I understand how those two sentences fit together. The second sounds positive (for us) at first. But I think what they're getting at is that they believe some licensing authorities are handing out LTC's to individuals who might not be "suitable" enough. JFC.

I think what they mean is that there should be a consistent set of standards for "suitability" that all chiefs in MA should apply universally, instead of having potentially 351 different sets of standards. Whether this is positive for us depends a lot on what that set of standards actually winds up being, and whether every police chief in the state actually abides by them.
Not sure I understand how those two sentences fit together. The second sounds positive (for us) at first. But I think what they're getting at is that they believe some licensing authorities are handing out LTC's to individuals who might not be "suitable" enough. JFC.
will most likely recommend no issuance to anyone who has ever had or been:
Arrested, CWaF, 209a, trespass order etc..
I think what they mean is that there should be a consistent set of standards for "suitability" that all chiefs in MA should apply universally, instead of having potentially 351 different sets of standards. Whether this is positive for us depends a lot on what that set of standards actually winds up being, and whether every police chief in the state actually abides by them.

it's not positive for anyone unless you live in a red town, the green ones will suffer the red ones will improve and most people won't bat an eye, even LTC holders
Speeding Ticket, Parking Ticket, Jaywalking.......

Probably no issuance to people with clean records. I mean if the police have never had any contact with someone, how can they know enough about them to allow owning something so dangerous as a GUN??
So basically the AG's list is going to really make things tough now as far as getting guns. That list has got to go.

You're making things up based on facts that are not in evidence.

I am taking a somewhat bleak outlook by the tenor of the tweets - it may not be that bad, but the wording of the report seems crafted to sound one way, but can (and probably will) be used in a completely different way.
it's not positive for anyone unless you live in a red town, the green ones will suffer the red ones will improve and most people won't bat an eye, even LTC holders

I think it will be a mixed bag, although I admit it's complete speculation on my part. One possibility is that MCOPA recommends that all chiefs only issue LTC-A with no restrictions, but creates a laundry list of "disqualifying events" that result in outright denial. So, if you get an LTC, it will be unrestricted, but there is a greater chance of being denied based on past history.
I think what they mean is that there should be a consistent set of standards for "suitability" that all chiefs in MA should apply universally, instead of having potentially 351 different sets of standards. Whether this is positive for us depends a lot on what that set of standards actually winds up being, and whether every police chief in the state actually abides by them.

The problem is it tasks MCOPA with the responsibility. They're a big part of the problems with licensing in this state. if MCOPA was smart (and interested in doing the right thing) they would have pushed to have the state take control of licensing and get them out of it, but there are too many little tyrants on MCOPA to ever let that happen. So if they really have input in determining the issue, this is like asking the directors of the concentration camp about what a "fair and decent" number of people is acceptable every month to push into the gas chambers.

A "tough on guns bill" this will give Democrats a soapbox to stand on and to energize their base. Voter apathy is getting stronger against the Democrats because of politics on the national stage.
Distract the local level voters with this tough on guns stance just long enough to continue the super majority on Beacon hill.
I think it will be a mixed bag, although I admit it's complete speculation on my part. One possibility is that MCOPA recommends that all chiefs only issue LTC-A with no restrictions, but creates a laundry list of "disqualifying events" that result in outright denial. So, if you get an LTC, it will be unrestricted, but there is a greater chance of being denied based on past history.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly how it goes, but we'll see. My current LTC doesn't expire for another 2.5 years so at least I'll have time to figure out if one stupid minor thing I did as a teenager is going to force me out of MA. At this point, I'd welcome the change.
The recommendations of the committee (based on globe report) will do nothing to prevent gun violence.

What about being tougher on actual criminals who violate the current laws? Or maybe firearm safety education in the schools? We teach sex ed and fire safety, why not firearm safety?

Waiting to see what goal says and what the full recommendations are.

- Todd
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