Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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smoke screen for what? you think D'Emilia wanted to be seen at the GOAL rally for publicity that may help re-election?

edit... that was sarcasm

Please know that although we do need to have regulations in place to protect our communities from irresponsible people, I am not in support of the current language of this bill.
SO he will vote for a bill RIGHT?

so yes you can start the flaming but the fact is that any any bill that takes away any of my rights is no good
Just received this from my former state rep, Tom Sannicandro (Framingham)

Thank you for your letter regarding H4121.

Rep Sannicanadro is in favor of gun control measures that makes our neighborhoods safer and the ownership of guns more responsible. That said, he also believes in bringing every perspective to the table when discussing what kinds of gun control effectively keep our children safe while respecting responsible gun owners. Rep Sannicandro will continue to look at the issue, ensuring that any bill he considers is appropriately and effectively targeting the specific areas necessary to mitigating safety concerns.

Please know that although we do need to have regulations in place to protect our communities from irresponsible people, I am not in support of the current language of this bill.
SO he will vote for a bill RIGHT?

so yes you can start the flaming but the fact is that any any bill that takes away any of my rights is no good
theres still a chance that a bill passes that doesn't effect your rights

I don't like the phrasing used in the response either but unfortunately with this group of politicians that's a win

- - - Updated - - -

Dear Mr. jtnf,

Thank you for contacting me regarding HB4121, Speaker DeLeo’s gun bill.

As this is a very important issue, I am considering this legislation from all angles. I value hearing from citizens like yourself, and I will keep your views in mind as I continue to look carefully at this bill as it is brought up for debate in the coming weeks.

Thank you again for reaching out to my office.


Carolyn Dykema
State Representative
8[SUP]th[/SUP] Middlesex District
I'd bet my house on her voting for whatever they put in front of her that says gun control on it, without reading it
We had Dykema as a rep before the redistricting.

She will tell you what you want to hear, and then vote the party line 100% of the time.
I think the first step should be to ensure that NONE of the elections are uncontested.
THen money should be poured into those specifically targeted as weak and/or vulnerable.
ANother stategy would be to target those elections that include anti-2a reps.
WE have to to get the grass roots (aka fudds) into this.
I've tried ...and am open to suggesstions.
(Good friend of mine just received this in reply from Rep Tom Stanley RE: H.4121
and forwarded me a copy...figured I'd pass it along)

Dear Dave,

Hope all is well. I deeply apologize for taking so long to get back to you. My office has been inundated with emails these past few weeks and I haven’t been able to respond to everyone as quickly as I’d like to. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your opposition to the Speaker’s Gun Bill, H.4121 - An Act relative to the reduction of gun violence.
Ever since this gun was released from the Speaker’s office, I have received numerous calls, emails and letters from constituents with serious concerns regarding several parts of the bill. It is critical for me to hear from constituents on H.4121 and I greatly appreciate your thoughtful correspondence on the bill. Please know I will be keeping your position and concerns on H.4121 in mind going forward.
As H.4121 is written today, I cannot vote in support of the bill if it were to come out on the House Floor for a vote. While I believe H.4121 has the best intentions in trying to prevent gun violence in the Commonwealth, I have apprehensions over several of the bill’s provisions.
It is my understanding that the Speaker’s Office will be redrafting the bill with help from House Ways and Means Committee staff. Speaker DeLeo recently met with members from GOAL to hear their concerns on H.4121 and I expect their recommendations to be incorporated into the amended bill. I look forward to reviewing the changes the Speaker’s Office makes to H.4121 in the coming weeks.
Thank you very much once more for reaching out to me on this important bill. Please don’t hesitate to do so again in the future should you have any additional questions or concerns.
Rep. Stanley

Representative Tom Stanley
9[SUP]th[/SUP] Middlesex
State House Room 167
Boston, MA 02133
(617) 722-2230
[email protected]

I still - STILL - somehow get the sneaking suspicion/feeling that the despicable, future-indicted-and-sentenced-to-federal-penititiary scumball DeLeo put this bill into circulation knowing fully well that it wouldn't pass "as is", fully intending all along to go back in and "rework it", "redraft it with the help and input from ______", or, given how politics works in this hellhole, having an inkling that it would not pass at all, then be able to sit back on his lard ass in a press conference and tell the media he was "saddened, shocked, disappointed" blah blah blah by his House minions for not seeing the "deeply important need" for legislation to pass.

I simply don't trust the (or "respect") fat, lying East Boston (our family knows his!!) swine as far as I can spit.
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Opinion piece in today's Globe from a Boston minister and Natick Cheif Hicks (who was on DeLeo's commission and was MCOPA chief).

Closing deadly loopholes in state gun laws

Bunk, they talk about 30k people killed every year by gun violence, since over half are suicides, does that mean the people who hang themselves die from "rope violence" or the pill takers from "pharmaceutical violence"

Reading the article you just know that the criminals are going to obey it! What I took away from it is that it is the legal lawabiding that are the problem!
If Massachusetts can’t stand up to the gun lobby, no state in the nation can. We have the obligation to lead, and we can start by passing meaningful legislation aimed at reducing gun violence in the Commonwealth.

House Speaker Robert DeLeo recently introduced a bill that will do precisely that. The measure, “An Act Relative to the Reduction of Gun Violence,” takes a thoughtful and comprehensive look at how to reduce preventable gun violence.

Opinion piece in today's Globe from a Boston minister and Natick Cheif Hicks (who was on DeLeo's commission and was MCOPA chief).

Closing deadly loopholes in state gun laws

Chief Hicks should stick to running the Natick PD and keep his opinions to himself. If he has so much time to do all this other stuff he's clearly being paid too much by Natick and has too much administrative help.
Opinion piece in today's Globe from a Boston minister and Natick Cheif Hicks (who was on DeLeo's commission and was MCOPA chief).

Closing deadly loopholes in state gun laws

You can tell where Hicks gets his facts from. He wrote that there were 74 school shooting since Newtown, even though it was determined later that only 15 of those were actual school shootings.
Don't worry about anyone's feelings, but have a clue on what the situation is.

Oh I have a clue, but maybe I needed to articulate my feelings towards it better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Opinion piece in today's Globe from a Boston minister and Natick Cheif Hicks (who was on DeLeo's commission and was MCOPA chief).

Closing deadly loopholes in state gun laws

Way to misrepresent the facts there chief.
If we ever need to find out what Deleo's ass tastes like, we know who to ask.
Let's ask Jack if he can see a teaching position at UMass in Hicks future.
And the first jerk to comment,
Despite its moderate, responsible, and reasonable provisions, a vocal minority associated with the state’s well-funded gun lobby is doing its best to stop this bill." --- And we're about to hear from some of the most vocal representatives of this minority any minute now.

So $50 million from Bloomberg for AstroTurf isn't well funded. But our "well-funded gun lobby" consisting of most the people on this board donating money from our little paychecks is eeeeeeeeeevil for wanting the Bill of Rights to be respected.
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And the first jerk to comment,
Despite its moderate, responsible, and reasonable provisions, a vocal minority associated with the state’s well-funded gun lobby is doing its best to stop this bill." --- And we're about to hear from some of the most vocal representatives of this minority any minute now.[/QUOTE

So $50 million from Bloomberg for AstroTurf isn't well funded. But our "well-funded gun lobby" consisting of most the people on this board donating money from our little paychecks is eeeeeeeeeevil for wanting the Bill of Rights to be respected.

Jokes on him though. He posted that over 24hrs ago and still, it's the ONLY comment for that "article". [laugh]
Opinion piece in today's Globe from a Boston minister and Natick Cheif Hicks (who was on DeLeo's commission and was MCOPA chief).

Closing deadly loopholes in state gun laws
I find it quite ironic that an article which bemoans the influence of the gun lobby uses statistics drummed up by a gun-control group run by Michael Bloomberg
--statistics subsequently debunked by such right wing media outlets as CNN.

Any police chief in charge of reporting UCR and NIBRS data should be aware of the importance of using statistics carefully and with proper prudence.
I find it quite ironic that an article which bemoans the influence of the gun lobby uses statistics drummed up by a gun-control group run by Michael Bloomberg
--statistics subsequently debunked by such right wing media outlets as CNN.

Any police chief in charge of reporting UCR and NIBRS data should be aware of the importance of using statistics carefully and with proper prudence.

Not to mention the "30k die due to gun violence" stat.
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