Gun Owners of Vermont looking to turn the tide

Good luck to them. Voting out the grabbers and overturning that steaming pile of shit they rammed through would send a very clear message.
I hope it goes well. Unfortunately the infestation of antis has wrought major damage in many states. I dread Texas turning blue as that will almost guarantee that we will be on a strong downhill slide for all our freedoms not just 2
Looks like this movement may be picking up steam...
Gun Owners of Vermont ranks candidates on Second Amendment

I saw this yesterday. If what I'm hearing from my family and friends in Vermont is any indication of the feelings of the electorate, Gov. Scott had better be plenty worried. Every single person that I've spoke to in Vermont is not voting for him; these are all people who voted for Scott because of his Pro-2A campaign promises. I hope that they can kick his Benedict Arnold ass to the curb in the primary.
The unfortunate thing about "We'll show him - we'll vote him out" is that it usually still leaves no good choice. Back in the 90's in Vermont, Peter Smith voted for the AWB. So we put on our hats that said "Smith & Wesson - Yes. Smith & Congress - No. (this was prior to S&W selling out). Bernie said "I support the 2nd Amendment!". So, we voted Smith out, and Bernie in. Look how that turned out.
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They recalled 2 elected officials in Colorado after their gun bill.
Yet Colorado's omnibus 2013 law that prompted those recalls remains in place. Once gun prohibitionists get a foothold, they have won. Vermont will be getting more gun prohibition in the future, not less.
From today's St J paper:
Anti-gun vs Anti-gun Violence - Marion Mohri

Since Eddie claims Christine wants to ban his rifle, he must have a semi-automatic. He suggests that without this rifle he is deprived of the means to defend his home and family. Is he saying the ONLY way he can defend his home and family is with a semi-automatic rifle?

That strikes me as rather odd. There are roughly 126 million households in the US. Roughly one-third of them have guns. Roughly 1 percent of guns are semi-automatic rifles. That means roughly 99.07 percent of Americans defend their homes and their families by means other than a semi-automatic rifle. Americans, including Eddie Garcia, have a plethora of ways to defend their homes. Some rely on guns, but the vast majority do not.


Also mentions GOV:

Here’s a fun fact. Eddie’s group, Gun Owners of Vermont, provides information on candidates running for elected office in Vermont. Candidates’ ratings are based solely on their positions on guns. Support for common sense gun measures earns candidates an “anti-gun,” “rabidly anti-gun” or “extremely anti-gun” label.

According to GOV, Christine Hallquist is “extremely anti-gun.” This is not true and it’s nothing more than GOV scare-mongering. Christine is “anti-gun violence.” She’s definitely not “anti-gun.” There’s a big difference, although GOV would have you believe otherwise.
From today's St J paper:
Anti-gun vs Anti-gun Violence - Marion Mohri


Also mentions GOV:

What Christine doesnt know is that Eddie has built up a number of 80% lowers that arent part of any statistical hocus-pocus, as well as STANDARD capacity magazines and plenty of reloading gear. So while Christine sits smugly on her fat liberal ass thinking she's won, Eddie is prepared to defend his home with the tools that HE chooses, not some fat ass liberal....
My dad used to say VT was more liberal than Mass 30 plus years ago.
Back then though I’m pretty sure VT did not give much thought to people owning more than a shotgun and a 38spl.

I think what needs to be done is get these politicians to up hold their oath?
Good luck VT
From today's St J paper:
Anti-gun vs Anti-gun Violence - Marion Mohri


Also mentions GOV:
Wow. Everytime I think that these Journos have hit rock bottom with their utter stupidity, some other smug, self-righteous liberal barfs up some more crap like this.

You want to defend your home and kids with a baseball bat? Go for it. But don't you dare tell me how to defend my family. Stupid condescending bitch!
What Christine doesnt know is that Eddie has built up a number of 80% lowers that arent part of any statistical hocus-pocus, as well as STANDARD capacity magazines and plenty of reloading gear. So while Christine sits smugly on its fat liberal ass thinking its' won, Eddie is prepared to defend his home with the tools that HE chooses, not some fat ass liberal....

FIFY. ;)
I'm done arguing about the gun issue.

I keep my guns, you keep breathing......or come for my guns and you'll be zipped up in a body bag. Thats the only options, choose wisely.
Wow. Everytime I think that these Journos have hit rock bottom with their utter stupidity, some other smug, self-righteous liberal barfs up some more crap like this.
That was a letter to the editor, not a "journo".

I was listening to VPR a few days ago, and they interviewed someone who has declared his candidacy for governor, and is using gun rights as his platform. He said he's not a gun owner, but he wants to protect that right.

I don't recall his name, but he was not well spoken, not very informed on the issues (including gun rights), and didn't do himself any favors.
That was a letter to the editor, not a "journo".

I was listening to VPR a few days ago, and they interviewed someone who has declared his candidacy for governor, and is using gun rights as his platform. He said he's not a gun owner, but he wants to protect that right.

I don't recall his name, but he was not well spoken, not very informed on the issues (including gun rights), and didn't do himself any favors.
Thanks for the clarification. Your post underscores what we are all up against.
Only one percent of guns are semi auto rifles? That has to be the biggest crock of crap statistic I’ve seen in a while...
Possibly a made up statistic, but could also be confusing ARs with semi-autos. Figure 5 Million ARs out there out of ~ 400 million guns, that is 1.25% right there. There are other obviously other types of semi-auto rifles out there (AKs, SKS, Garands, 10-22s, etc) that would increase that number considerably.
The unfortunate thing about "We'll show him - we'll vote him out" is that it usually still leaves no good choice. Back in the 90's in Vermont, Peter Smith voted for the AWB. So put on our hats that said "Smith & Wesson - Yes. Smith & Congress - No. (this was prior to S&W selling out). Bernie said "I support the 2nd Amendment!". So, we voted Smith out, and Bernie in. Look how that turned out.

The problem with pro-gun gun owners in Vermont is that they think gun ownership is - or at least can remain - a non-partisan issue. For whatever reason, this seemed to be the case for decades in Vermont. That's over now. I think more than anything else this is because of the deep pockets of the national socialist left (George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, et. al.). I would bet my life savings that this is what happened both in the VT legislature and to Phlip-Phlop Phil to tip the scales. Judas sold gun owners out for a few pieces of silver. The leftist Democratic-controlled legislature was ripe for this anyway. The only thing that stopped them up to this point were the overwhelming numbers of pro-gunners showing up to protest every time the legislature was scheduled to debate anti-gun bills. When the out of state anti-gun billionares started really opening their wallets (especially in such an economically screwed-up state as Vermont), it was a no-brainer which way this would go for the Democratic-controlled legislature.
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