Gun Confiscation Coming in Virginia

Looks like they tried this bill before they had both chambers of the VA Congress.

Anyone been hearing about those 2A Sanctuaries now? It means that jurisdictions will not expend resources to enforce certain gun control measures that violate the Second Amendment.

We certainly have a long way to go but it's a start.

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Not unless they come for the trap/skeet/hunting guns. For all the talk of Southeners being 2A people, most, but not all of them that I know, are what we'd basically consider FUDDs.
I am friends with a guy that moved here from Alabama. Owns plenty of guns. After Las Vegas he basically said "I love guns and all, but come on, we gotta do something."

I don't know any FUDDs in the South. I'm sure there are some, but even the people I meet outside the range are 2A people. Even my son's babysitter, a teacher is pro 2A.
I don't know any FUDDs in the South. I'm sure there are some, but even the people I meet outside the range are 2A people. Even my son's babysitter, a teacher is pro 2A.
Then maybe there's hope. I'm only a sample of one, but I am acquainted with or friends with six southeners, I would describe 5 of them as Fudds.

ETA: Correction, 4 Fudds, 1 serious 2A, 1 Democrat.
Then maybe there's hope. I'm only a sample of one, but I am acquainted with or friends with six southeners, I would describe 5 of them as Fudds.

ETA: Correction, 4 Fudds, 1 serious 2A, 1 Democrat.

lol There are tons of fudds. Do you know how many people are "in the south"? But there are also tson of very pro 2A people as well. And too many damn antis.
You're in NoVa......its like the Cambridge of Va......its NOT the "South".....for that you need to drive a couple hours......

It's not like "Cambridge" as much as you'd think. But if the choices are "Cambridge" or "South", I'd say NoVA definitely leans towards "Cambridge", unfortunately. I absolutely know people who live here who are super pro and super anti and also fudds.
No way in hell I would want to go door kicking in rural Virginia.
If I was LE there it would be like "You want to go on up and take on Billy Bob and his whole family who know the woods out there like the back of their hands and ain't too fond of guberment goons? "
"Be my guest . I'm out. "
You'd want to be about as afraid of some of those backwoods boys who grew up with a gun in their crib as you would a swat team.
The heavily-populated northeast portion of Virginia is simply part of the Washington DC/Baltimore cancer now ever since Barry grew leftist big government out of control by leaps and bounds. There is no turning back. Virginia is lost. [thinking]
The heavily-populated northeast portion of Virginia is simply part of the Washington DC/Baltimore cancer now ever since Barry grew leftist big government out of control by leaps and bounds. There is no turning back. Virginia is lost. [thinking]
Well, we can always hope for nukes, bio, or chemical.
The heavily-populated northeast portion of Virginia is simply part of the Washington DC/Baltimore cancer now ever since Barry grew leftist big government out of control by leaps and bounds. There is no turning back. Virginia is lost. [thinking]

D.C. was created to prevent the federal workforce from influencing state governments. Because the federal workforce is living in northern VA instead of staying in D.C. I propose a requirement that the federal workforce working in D.C. must reside in the district and failing that, that the parts of Maryland and Virginia dominated by the federal workforce be annexed by D.C. and the requirement for residency by enacted.
D.C. was created to prevent the federal workforce from influencing state governments. Because the federal workforce is living in northern VA instead of staying in D.C. I propose a requirement that the federal workforce working in D.C. must reside in the district and failing that, that the parts of Maryland and Virginia dominated by the federal workforce be annexed by D.C. and the requirement for residency by enacted.
Better still would be to reduce the size of The Swamp such that it can reside comfortably within its existing bounds.
"Paramilitary training?"

I guess carbine / rifle classes will be banned.

They are weapons of WAR.
I almost moved to VA. two years ago went down and picked out towns, house styles, the whole 9. Did all the research to get away from the snow and into the mountains of beauty. Ended up in NH, damn job offers. I've been threatening my girl with leaving and going down still until all this happened. But I'm sure I could make friends with the shiners of WV or tennesee....
Not unless they come for the trap/skeet/hunting guns. For all the talk of Southeners being 2A people, most, but not all of them that I know, are what we'd basically consider FUDDs.
I am friends with a guy that moved here from Alabama. Owns plenty of guns. After Las Vegas he basically said "I love guns and all, but come on, we gotta do something."
People get raped, tell your friend to do something... castrate himself. You know, just in case.
Not unless they come for the trap/skeet/hunting guns. For all the talk of Southeners being 2A people, most, but not all of them that I know, are what we'd basically consider FUDDs.
I am friends with a guy that moved here from Alabama. Owns plenty of guns. After Las Vegas he basically said "I love guns and all, but come on, we gotta do something."
I am also from Alabama, born and raised there. I can assure you that your "friend" is not a typical Alabama gun owner. Most of us own simple bolt-action rifles and pump-action shotguns because they are inexpensive, rugged and extremely reliable. I sure as hell will not take an expensive firearm into swamps and bayous where they will be subject to damage and even loss. Us southerners tend to be practical folks, but we fully cherish our Second Amendment rights. We are not narrow-minded FUDDS by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyone been hearing about those 2A Sanctuaries now? It means that jurisdictions will not expend resources to enforce certain gun control measures that violate the Second Amendment.

We certainly have a long way to go but it's a start.


It's an ok feel good statement, but really that means nothing. Saying "We won't enforce these laws" doesn't stop the DA's from charging you, and sure as hell won't stop the deputies from noting in their reports every time they see one of those "Illegal" weapons (Have to cover their own asses). So just like anything else the guns still won't be for sale because the state says they can't be sold, and if you take them out and get reported, or you have a medical emergency and it's sitting on the table, or you are speeding on the way to the range and they see it, etc. it will be noted. Even if the sheriff doesn't come kick your door, it will be in a file and you will find yourself with a warrant for your arrest screwing your life up.

In the end you will have an easier time not complying with the law, as long as that gun sits in your basement and never sees the light of day. But that does nothing for those who don't already own one, or who want new parts or to have them repaired. What gunsmith is going to work on your illegal rifle? How many manufacturers are going to send you any parts for them after this passes (Look at the hassle to get parts in MA from many places and our law is less restrictive than this monstrosity).

And last but not least, these laws will be enforced with gusto by those same sheriffs against people they don't like. Political opponents, people who talk back, those who don't get down and lick boot fast enough when encountering him, and so on. Those people will find themselves with all the enforcement they can handle.
It's an ok feel good statement, but really that means nothing. Saying "We won't enforce these laws" doesn't stop the DA's from charging you, and sure as hell won't stop the deputies from noting in their reports every time they see one of those "Illegal" weapons (Have to cover their own asses). So just like anything else the guns still won't be for sale because the state says they can't be sold, and if you take them out and get reported, or you have a medical emergency and it's sitting on the table, or you are speeding on the way to the range and they see it, etc. it will be noted. Even if the sheriff doesn't come kick your door, it will be in a file and you will find yourself with a warrant for your arrest screwing your life up.

In the end you will have an easier time not complying with the law, as long as that gun sits in your basement and never sees the light of day. But that does nothing for those who don't already own one, or who want new parts or to have them repaired. What gunsmith is going to work on your illegal rifle? How many manufacturers are going to send you any parts for them after this passes (Look at the hassle to get parts in MA from many places and our law is less restrictive than this monstrosity).

And last but not least, these laws will be enforced with gusto by those same sheriffs against people they don't like. Political opponents, people who talk back, those who don't get down and lick boot fast enough when encountering him, and so on. Those people will find themselves with all the enforcement they can handle.

I by no means have any simple solution to this cancerous spread taking place. It does make me more certain the the USA is circling the drain as a “city on a hill” and a example of liberty for the rest of the world. The extreme left has a solidified position on educational institutions and poisoned any form of virtue in culture. The gun issue is just one big litmus test on a state-by-state basis of the collapse of a constitutional republic. I don’t know how things will turn out in the end and on what time table. All I know is that on a personal level I will never give up on principles of liberty and a constitutional republic to my dying day.
It's an ok feel good statement, but really that means nothing. Saying "We won't enforce these laws" doesn't stop the DA's from charging you, and sure as hell won't stop the deputies from noting in their reports every time they see one of those "Illegal" weapons (Have to cover their own asses). So just like anything else the guns still won't be for sale because the state says they can't be sold, and if you take them out and get reported, or you have a medical emergency and it's sitting on the table, or you are speeding on the way to the range and they see it, etc. it will be noted. Even if the sheriff doesn't come kick your door, it will be in a file and you will find yourself with a warrant for your arrest screwing your life up.

In the end you will have an easier time not complying with the law, as long as that gun sits in your basement and never sees the light of day. But that does nothing for those who don't already own one, or who want new parts or to have them repaired. What gunsmith is going to work on your illegal rifle? How many manufacturers are going to send you any parts for them after this passes (Look at the hassle to get parts in MA from many places and our law is less restrictive than this monstrosity).

And last but not least, these laws will be enforced with gusto by those same sheriffs against people they don't like. Political opponents, people who talk back, those who don't get down and lick boot fast enough when encountering him, and so on. Those people will find themselves with all the enforcement they can handle.

Morlochs and Eloi. The real problem here is social conditioning. If people stopped watching TV and consuming the 24/7 propaganda (all of it in lockstep both left and right) they would snap out of the trance after a while. It's really this brainwashing that people are subjecting themselves and their children to every waking moment that reinforces their powerlessness and cowardice which tells them to just do what they're told by the man behind the curtain.

So thing in VA are heating up. I guess people feel the talking is done. One county not only declared themselves a 2A sanctuary county, but stated a militia, all with the support of the county sheriff.

Another county also went 2A sanctuary ( as have 42 other counties ) and the county Sheriff promised to deputize thousands if this passes. Looks like things could get spicy in the backcountry of VA.

Remember the words of G.Gordon Liddy, when they come for you they'll be wearing body armor so headshots, headshots, headshots. (More or less)

and don't forget, bullets first!
This is one of the worst things I have ever read. As it makes any highschool IB chemistry teacher an instant felon.

Crap. It also makes any educator in an chemical engineering ABET certified program a felon.


I'm a felon by it since I have a degree .

Quad crap.

Isn't that their game plan ?
Make everyone a felon. That way they can selectively arrest anyone they like
There is a board of supervisors public hearing meeting next week for the county I live in. I highly doubt we'd pass for 2A sanctuary, unfortunately... but I'm going to the meeting anyway. There is also the lobby day event on MLK on Jan 20, 2020 in Richmond that I will attend. It's not just a gun group thing, many other advocacy groups will go and speak to the reps. I have attended it in previous years. But... this time, I think it's going to be yuuuuuuuge. I fully expect it to be a major shit show and it may make national news.

Prep the #freeminininjer megathread, please.

Fighting Words In Virginia Over Proposed Gun Laws

The fellow in the video above hasn’t issued fighting words. He’s relaying them because he’s heard them.

And there are a lot of other instances this last week. The Sheriff of Culpeper County has promised to deputize thousands in the defense of their second amendment rights. Another country is forming a militia after having declared themselves a sanctuary county.

This subsection makes it the responsibility of counties to maintain a militia, not a National Guard or other standing army.
This is because the purpose of the militia is not just to protect the county from domestic danger, but also protect the county from any sort of tyrannical actions from the Federal government. Our constitution is designed to allow them to use an armed militia as needed. If the (Federal) government takes those arms away, it prevents the county from fulfilling their constitutional duties. But, this is not limited to just our county, but also as part of a network of sister counties showing solidarity for both Virginia’s, and the American Constitution.

The Virginia AG isn’t taking no for an answer.

“The resolutions that are being passed are being ginned up by the gun lobby to try to scare people. What we’re talking about here are laws that will make our communities and our streets safer. We’re talking about universal background checks, finally, maybe, Virginia will pass universal background checks to make sure that people who are dangerous, who are criminals and who aren’t permitted to buy guns, won’t be able to buy guns,” said Herring. “So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced.”

The NRA and the rest of the “gun lobby,” whatever that is, is so incompetent and compromised that it couldn’t manage an organizational effort like this if the lives of the entire board of directors depended on it.

He’s either stupid or he’s a liar and knows better. Either way, he’s intent on sending men into harm’s way to enforce laws written out of Northern Virginia.

But these are just the preliminaries. Sheriffs have to be willing to put state agents in jail for trying to enforce these new laws. Militiamen have to be willing to raise rifles. Citizens have to be willing to set up road blocks. Things are testy now. They may get really difficult in the near future. Judges will have to be ignored, homes will have to be secured, and neighborhoods will have to be willing to do more than set up watch programs.

All eyes are on Virginia.
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