Gregg Ellifritz on the perils of open carry


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
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Interesting article. Some of you will probably disagree with what he says; I think he's right.

I don’t open carry in Philadelphia but when I’m on my farm or out and about in Western PA I frequently open carry. I go to the local shops and the one bar in town and not once has a person said a word to me. There is an old timer who sits at the bar daily I’m pretty sure who open carries a stainless chiefs special. I’ve seen it so many times I know what he carries! We have a Walmart not too far away in Corry, PA and I’ve seen open carry there too. I was not surprised the author was a cop even a little. They always have an interesting take on firearms and rights, he was cut from that cloth.
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I have nothing against the legality of open carry but I wouldn't personally do it in populated areas. I'd definitely do it out in the woods/wilderness. Years ago I was in Arizona visiting some family and I remember waiting in line at a gas station checkout behind a guy who was open carrying a handgun with a pretty crappy holster. He seemed pretty oblivious and any criminal seeking a gun could have surprised him with a rock to the back of the skull and had a gun pretty easily. I'd rather keep an element of surprise.
I won't stop people from doing so, but I don't think it's prudent for me personally. Although I live in a pretty safe town in a pretty safe state.

What gets people going is the geniuses that carry their AR's around like they are in Tel Aviv or something.

You might well see that all around if things continue to spiral downward. The times they are a changin'
I get the concept generally. Some truth to it but then I think I kinda don't give a shit about some freaked out snowflake (or maybe I even like the concept).. in practice nobody has said boo to me in the grocery store, Walmart, around town shopping.

Absolutely it's no advantage to lose the element of surprise. But also it's sure a lot more comfortable to carry a full size at least partly exposed and it's a whole lot more effective if you need to use it.

What I wonder about is in these drills they run how they are real life. If you go reaching for my holster, pocket, anything - I am not going to wrestle, I'm going to throw a punch.
Why lose the element of surprise.

Because the element of surprise is not a factor in self defense. I also suspect open carry is not a deterrent to someone coming at you. Carry the way you want to carry and don't be influenced by a cop with a platform to write why open carry is bad. If you drill as much as me you know you are faster on the target when you OC, don't hem yourself in to any single way of carrying.
Because the element of surprise is not a factor in self defense. I also suspect open carry is not a deterrent to someone coming at you. Carry the way you want to carry and don't be influenced by a cop with a platform to write why open carry is bad. If you drill as much as me you know you are faster on the target when you OC, don't hem yourself in to any single way of carrying.
What? The element of surprise is not a factor in self-defense. How do you figure? How many hundreds of videos have you seen of armed robbers taking their eyes off of what they thought were unarmed civilians only to get capped. You always want the element of surprise on your side in a fight, always.
What? The element of surprise is not a factor in self-defense. How do you figure? How many hundreds of videos have you seen of armed robbers taking their eyes off of what they thought were unarmed civilians only to get capped. You always want the element of surprise on your side in a fight, always.

Ok, that was extreme. Most self defense situations are fast and intense and last only a few shots where you were identified as the target. Lots of things go into the calculation of living or dying concealment and surprise plays a part, I simply don't accept its the key part.
Open carry is one of the reasons NH has a low crime rate. If one chooses to do this a retention strap (at minimum) and an acute sense of awareness are advisable.
I have discussed this with friends in Texas. They have both concealed and open carry in Texas. One of the gentlemen has a hobby ranch and he open carry's all the time on the ranch and the surrounding towns. When he goes to the city it is concealed carry all the way. All the other folks only conceal carry. My late brother was chatting with a few folks at a gun store and none of them had seen anyone open carry. This is a personal preference and each person needs to do what they do and feel comfortable with it. I am sure we could war game scenarios where open carry appears to be the best option as well as scenarios where it is not. I might add my daughter saw someone open carry at Home Depot a couple years ago. She knew him and knew he had a permit. She overheard a women telling her daughter that the man with a gun was a police officer and was protecting them. My daughter got a laugh over that one.
It's a shoot me first sign.
Everyone says this but never has data to prove it, other than the .01% high apex predator criminals who shoot cops to take their guns, or just generically shoot threats, it's not really that proveable. I think in shitty areas it can attract unwanted attention but otherwise? Meh. The biggest practical problem with OC is a shitbird can use it with the kopsch to try to get them to suck for the falsehood that you pointed a gun at them. There's a myriad of situations where a mid level shitbird knowing you're packing could potentially make shit worse for you. Think road rage incidents, etc. Incidents involving people that you can't legally shoot. [laugh] This is less of a problem in areas where citizens carrying isn't frowned upon by the kopsch, etc.
When you open carry in MA, EVERY person you meet gets to decide if you lose your LTC and fund a trial - including Ne'er-do-wells that are the reason for going armed.

I spoke with one indivdual who merely showed that he had a gun when threatened with assault by an individual with a long rap sheet for assault, and charges pending. He lost his LTC and his appeal because the individual claimed "he felt threatened". His attorney was not cognizant as to Commonwealth v. Adjutant, so he told his client he could not admit the person's past record to paint a picture of justification. The only reason he did not go to trial for assault is that the person who threatened to beat him up took the 5th so his testimony could not be used against him in his upcoming assault trial.
Look at that woman...

What do you think a thug thinks when he sees her?

Walk up beside her and knock her out!!!

Free gun.

She wouldn't know what hit her.

If she CCW nobody would be the wiser and she would not be a huge target.

I see lots of very old people who are unsteady on their feet. For them to open carry with their fighting skills compromised - they are fools.
If CCW, it would be slower to draw but at least THEY would not be the primary target of some thug.
Interesting article. Some of you will probably disagree with what he says; I think he's right.

Carry how you see fit. Thats my opinion. Not fan of open carry, surprise gives you an edge
When you open carry in MA, EVERY person you meet gets to decide if you lose your LTC and fund a trial - including Ne'er-do-wells that are the reason for going armed.

I spoke with one indivdual who merely showed that he had a gun when threatened with assault by an individual with a long rap sheet for assault, and charges pending. He lost his LTC and his appeal because the individual claimed "he felt threatened". His attorney was not cognizant as to Commonwealth v. Adjutant, so he told his client he could not admit the person's past record to paint a picture of justification. The only reason he did not go to trial for assault is that the person who threatened to beat him up took the 5th so his testimony could not be used against him in his upcoming assault trial.
this state is truly f***ed up
If you put yourself in the shoes of the mental defective who intends to go shoot up a place , you going to save the person who's obviously packing for last ?
If I walked in and saw 20 people carrying I might reconsider the plan.
If I saw just one , I'm going to walk up behind you while you try to decide between Captain Crunch or Cheerios and put one in the back of your head.
You sacrifice will be appreciated by those who didn't draw attention who might now have a chance though.
What? The element of surprise is not a factor in self-defense. How do you figure? How many hundreds of videos have you seen of armed robbers taking their eyes off of what they thought were unarmed civilians only to get capped. You always want the element of surprise on your side in a fight, always.
Just wait until you are in a traffic accident and a loudmouth other driver sees the weapon and tells the responding officer you threatened him with it.
Under normal (what's that?) circumstances I would not open carry, especially in a place where it is not a common occurrence.

I prefer to look unremarkable to the majority of people around me.
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