Great news

Jul 30, 2019
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From what I read , we have to upgrade our health care IDs to a VHIC, that is, a Veteran Health Identification Card. I checked at and basically learned that qualifying vets need to have their picture taken again it the card will be mailed to them. Next time I go to Bedford or JP I'll check.
Yes, just go to your local VA and get the new card issued. I got my picture taken and issued the card immediately - some may differ. For those who haven't been on base in a long time, just remember how to properly observe reveille and retreat when you're on base lol!
I’ve completed the process for a VA ID 3 times and have never received one in the mail. Last time I went the guy working the ID system started yelling at me because I have a retired ID from the Army and he said that i don’t get a VA ID. It doesn’t really matter to me now but that guy was a dick.
I was told that I don't qualify because of my income and tberfore dont get a card. I explained that I don't want free care, just want to be able to go to a VA if I choose and let my BCBS cover it.
I got my card just for the Home Depot discount.
This is great news.
Now I can go to the CG Exchange when in the North End.
What other exchanges are around?
Yes, just go to your local VA and get the new card issued. I got my picture taken and issued the card immediately - some may differ. For those who haven't been on base in a long time, just remember how to properly observe reveille and retreat when you're on base lol!
... and all vehicles are subject to spot checks - so no firearms if not a LEO. :)
I was told that I don't qualify because of my income and tberfore dont get a card. I explained that I don't want free care, just want to be able to go to a VA if I choose and let my BCBS cover it.

If you qualify to be enrolled into the VA health system and/or if youre service connected for a disability - you get the new card.
I got my card just for the Home Depot discount.
This is great news.
Now I can go to the CG Exchange when in the North End.
What other exchanges are around?

National Guard or other state military reservations usually have a small PX/BX on them so you should have access to those as well.
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