Got the restrictions *removed* from my LTC

In a nutshell it's things along the lines of "I have had my license for X amount of time. I would like to have it be reviewed to be updated to an unrestricted license. I have been a member of club xyz and also a member of GOAL. I have a lot of range time and a solid knowledge of federal and Mass laws. etc..."

My bro just told me that my license got approved too so I am very happy. Time to go shopping for a nice holster.


I'm in Brockton with 1 year and half T&H restriction. I would like to have a ALP too. What should i do now? Call the officer first then send a leter or what to do first. Please help. I'm tired of T&H restriction

So what did you say in the letter? i live in Andover,, its very hard to get unrestricted here,,,i would love to carry when im off duty and around Law Town... Cause its almost been a year since,,,well not really but now im starting a countdown
I'm wondering about the process as well. Did you contact them to see if they would be willing to listen to your request or just send the letter and hope for the best? I have a restricted license from a town south of Boston (I've since moved). I'd love to get the restrictions lifted without having to cancel my current license and pay another $100 to reapply in my new town.
I simply called the LEO in Brockton and asked her if there was any possibility of lifting the restrictions before renewal. She told me yes, and that I needed to write a letter explaining that I'd like them lifted and why. It was very simple for Brockton. I'm not sure what other towns do for early lifting of restrictions.

Letter didn't need to be anything crazy. She didnt ask for anythign specific, but if you'd like advice I'd suggest you contact a firerms attorney for assitance once you find out what your town will allow. I actually met with Keith at Jesse Cohen's office (great guy, really nice) and it helped me write a clear letter. In hindsight, I probably didn't need to with Brockton, they seem pretty relaxed about lifting the restrictions. Ofc. Maver said 9 times out of 10 the Chief approves the lifting.
Do you think it would be in poor taste or overkill to send a letter to both the chief and the licensing officer?

Congrats on getting your restrictions removed.

I would say overkill for two letters. It's really up to the chief to decide so I would personally focus on that letter and keep it semi brief and to the point.
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