Got Pulled over, Trooper questions me on.....Concealed Carry permit

Sep 4, 2008
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I got pulled over on my way home from the gun range, as soon as I saw the blue lights come on I knew he was coming after me, I was speeding. The 2 officers walked over to my car, one officer was looking in my back window of my chevy tahoe while the other officer was asking me for my license and registration(he takes them and walks back to his car. The second officer is still looking around and see's my gun case so I decided to offer up that I do have CCW permit. Let me explain, I have a chevy tahoe that has no trunk and when I go to the range I have a range bag that carries all my equipment for the range(eye wear, ammo, cleaning equipment,etc, etc) and I just leave my gun boxes out in the open in the way back of the truck because they wont fit in the bag. So the officer who took my license and registration starts drilling me, WHY didnt you tell me right away about your CCW permit?? Why do you have a CCW permit? Do you own your own business? DO you really need a Gun? How where you able to get a gun permit? This goes on and on trust me!!!!! I tell him I have a right to carry a gun just like you do and it is my right as a citizens of the US. I know I am getting a ticket but at this point I dont care, just give it to me and let me go. I really couldnt believe how much he drilled me and made me feel like I was a criminal for carrying a gun.
I didn't think MA had a CCW permit. What state did this happen in?
Quite a few of us in MA have unrestricted Licenses to Carry (LTC-A to be specific) and legally carry in MA regularly.

I have a chevy tahoe that has no trunk and when I go to the range I have a range bag that carries all my equipment for the range(eye wear, ammo, cleaning equipment,etc, etc) and I just leave my gun boxes out in the open in the way back of the truck because they wont fit in the bag.
Throw a tarp over it.

Personally, if a trooper starts asking those sorts of questions, just stop answering. I agree with Jason -- send a written complaint to the State Police HQ in Framingham.
OK, I'M confused was this a traffic stop or a simple application for a LTC with the Chief of Police in a certain town between Marlboro, Berlin, Bolton, Stow, and Sudbury MA. I feel like a criminal too welcome to the club.
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Its funny how some cops care and how some could care less. I was personally with a friend of mine where we got stopped in NH no less. We had just left the range. I did not have my permit at the time by my friend did and was carrying. He informed the officer who thanked him for letting him know. This officer opted to removed the firearm off my friend. He literally reached through the window of the truck and took the gun off my friends holster and all. He was carrying about 2 o'clock.

He asked if i had any weapons, I said no, he then asked if there were any more weapons in the vehicle, we replied yes 5 locked in the back. We then told him we had just left the range, he said no problem, sit tight, came back just told my buddy to slow down. No written warning or anything and just reminded him that he had to reload.

Since then I think my friend got pulled over once or twice more. Once in Peabody, once by the MASP and neither really cared, just checked his LTC and that's it.

If i knew i would be treated with respect I would have no problem with telling an officer.

With that said, if i am in a position where anything gun related could be seen, cases, targets, range bag, etc I would tell them. to hopefully avoid the attitude.

If i just had my daily carry and it was a routine stop I probably would not tell them. Maybe i would if i thought it might get me out of a ticket.

The only reason that makes me not want to tell them is for situations like yours where they are a prick about it and I just don't feel like the hassle.

We already went through rigorous background checks to get the license we don't need shit from them on why we carry. It's none of business and if they want to check the LTC to make sure its valid, that's fine, it ends there.
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write his name down off the ticket, and go report it. Stick it to him anyway you can. A cop who doesnt know how to be professional does not belong to be a cop IMHO, and needs to be told he was out of line.
I'd file a compliant... but I'd also be more apt to cover my shit up in the back of the vehicle. Out of sight out of mind.

"Trooper, the reason I carry is a personal matter that is approved by my chief of police. I hope you understand."

I would take the ticket to court and argue the hostility towards your right to carry may have distracted the trooper from the task at hand, your alleged speeding.
I got stopped today for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. I accidently handed the officer my pistol permit instead of my drivers license. He simply told me that I had handed him my gun license and handed it back. I gave him my drivers license and he went back to his motorcycle A few minutes later he came back warned me to stop at stop signs, gave me a written warning and that was that. He could have been alot harder and made my day very unpleasant. There are some good guys out there just doing their job.
oh great, another "stopped" while carrying thread!


now, had OP done the following:

NOT speed and / or

give up your LTC when two cops roll up on you.....

might have been a more pleaseant experience... IMO
Only WI and IL don't have CCW permits IIRC.

Others have them, just a PITA to get in some of them.

I know that IL does have a CCW permit. I am unaware of the statute in WI.

Did you really think that important people would not be able to obtain LEGAL packing people? It is the same reasoning behind a non-resident alien being able to obtain a LTC in the Commonwealth whereas a resident alien is forbidden from doing so.

The important people get protection. IL allows security companies to arm CCW.
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