Gold and silver prices are down

Price will continue lower as economy grows under Republican leadership.

Tell me more about Republican 'Leadership', "We are not them !!!!"

I have no idea what will happen, I do know I was going to pay off a credit card (0%) early just so I don't have to pay an amount every month (thanks congress - how convenient) - but with silver prices like this - I'm up for some shortly.
Anyone want to venture a guess how the outcome of the mid-term elections will effect the price of silver?

Me: Price will continue lower as economy grows under Republican leadership.

There is no correlation. It will take a while for any policy changes to take effect, and the story now is QE ending, US growth, and the rest of the world economy in the toilet. Prices could go lower, but I doubt it has much to do with the elections, especially given that the Republicans don't seem to have anything resembling economic policy, and even if they did, Obama would veto anything that they could take credit for because no one is going to be a bigger bitch than him.
Silver dropped below $16 this morning.

Note: post above says 1gram bars, the link points to 1oz bars. Looks like a decent deal.
Actually it dropped below last night and is currently over $16 right now. The last couple of nights it has dipped below then when the NY market opens it seems to climb above $16. I've bought a few things that were priced at spot plus and once the Hong Kong market opens is when the price seemed the best.
Some people would consider selling or at least not buy - I'm looking at increasing my stash.

Seriously, the talking heads are all about 'How the GOP will change DC' - BULLCOOKIES they will. And to avoid being called obstructionist and racist they will most likely go along with 0bama more than they did in the minority - 2016 is a Presidential Election you know.

No more sequester - The 'Leadership' want amnesty - and to get the military spending up by 10% they will increase 'social' and 'infrastructure' spending by 25%. I hope I am wrong - but I think not - two sides of the same coin.
I had never even heard of them till now - not bad sites, but confirm the final totals before hitting the 'buy' option. It appears that buying in qty will reduce the price on some sites and not on others as well as credit card vs cash/check/wire transfer payments.

Nice sites though - My next buy I'll run through it.
Any thoughts on why the drop? I think it’s not the election at all, I think it’s the dollar, which has been rising as Europe considers QE and Japan does a massive QE. The Russian currency is also tanking as oil tanks. The US may be manipulating oil prices down to hurt Russia, and maybe they’re using currency to do that somehow.

So the big question is where’s the dollar going? And why is the stock market still going up as the dollar goes up?

I think there’s unprecedented manipulation of the markets going on, doing strange things to oil, metals and the stock market. When all the big governments are in cahoots, it could go on a long time before imploding.

I’d hesitate to buy up gold/silver cause we could be going into a deflationary spiral.
What are your opinions on watching the silver and gold prices using




I use them daily, but like GM-Guy said you will need to further research. It only compares the lowest price for a single item and does not always factor in shipping. I have honestly found the best 'deals' at the sites that are always on the high end of that list by buying tubes. If you are just looking for a handful of single coins then it can be a good baseline.
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