Glock Mags

Mar 6, 2006
Outside Of Boston MA
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Hello all,

I am new to this forum and i have a quick question. I have a Class A LTC with no restrictions. I bought a Glock 27 and it came with a 9 round mag. Now i bought a 13 rd mag and use it in my G27. Now if I ever get stopped by a LEO having the 13rd mag on me would that be a violation because the G27 is only made for 9 or 11 rds? If someone could help me out i would appreciate it.


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It's my understanding of the law that an LTC-A is the only license needed to lawfully posess high capacity magazines. As far as whether or not your magazine is pre- or post-ban, which would be your only legal issue, refer to the sticky in this forum.

SR is correct.

What the gun was made with is irrelevant.

Have you ever seen the 22 (IIRC) rd mag for a 1911? 1911s were only made with 7 or 8 rd mags, but it's perfectly legal to possess the huge mag, if it is pre-9/13/94 and you have a LTC-A!

If you do a search here, you should find info on the law, citations of exact paragraphs in the law, and an explanation.

Welcome to the forums!
Thanks alot i appreciate the help. I checked the mag and it is pre-ban. I figured that nothing was in violation but i read another post and it kind of confused me.

Thanks again,


Mass gun laws confuse all of us. There are times, I just have to quit reading and walk away! [frown]
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