I'm looking to buy a new handgun within the next month or two, and am considering several different models. I currently own a SW9F Sigma (original series, preban hi-cap), a Mk III 22/45, and a SW 22A. The fact that none of those are in shooting condition right now (the Sigma needs a new extractor, the SW 22A broke off a piece of the upper assembly, and the 22/45 has a front sight that likes to come off) and the fact that I just want an excuse to buy a new handgun are the driving forces behind this urge. That and I just sold an old paintball gun for $400, giving me some cash to play with.
I went to FS today and Roach's in Cambridge yesterday to take a look. I really think I want to buy a .357 revolver, although today I almost plopped down the cash for the last Sig P226 police trade-in that FS had in stock (only the fact that I have had poor results with the only Sig I've shot before, and the fact that my rent is due in a few days, stopped me). I looked at the Ruger GP100, and it's definitely a nice gun, a lot cheaper than comparable S&W models, but the trigger seems kind of rough. I am also considering the S&W 686 or 686P, the only thing keeping me away there is that I'm not the biggest fan of Stainless Steel finishes. The one that I currently think I want is the S&W 520, carbon steel/scandium frame and titanium cylinder .357, and it's the most expensive of the bunch by a decent amount (he said it would be about $600, but the distributor didn't have any in stock). I could always head out to the SW Shooting Sports Center and pick one up, so I'm not that worried about it.
So right now I'm looking at the following options
GP100 ~ 400 used
SW 686 ~ 470 used, 550 new
SW 520 ~ 600 new
Anything else I may be missing? I'm open to semi-auto suggestions as well. If someone just sold a normal run of the mill 1911 in this state...
I went to FS today and Roach's in Cambridge yesterday to take a look. I really think I want to buy a .357 revolver, although today I almost plopped down the cash for the last Sig P226 police trade-in that FS had in stock (only the fact that I have had poor results with the only Sig I've shot before, and the fact that my rent is due in a few days, stopped me). I looked at the Ruger GP100, and it's definitely a nice gun, a lot cheaper than comparable S&W models, but the trigger seems kind of rough. I am also considering the S&W 686 or 686P, the only thing keeping me away there is that I'm not the biggest fan of Stainless Steel finishes. The one that I currently think I want is the S&W 520, carbon steel/scandium frame and titanium cylinder .357, and it's the most expensive of the bunch by a decent amount (he said it would be about $600, but the distributor didn't have any in stock). I could always head out to the SW Shooting Sports Center and pick one up, so I'm not that worried about it.
So right now I'm looking at the following options
GP100 ~ 400 used
SW 686 ~ 470 used, 550 new
SW 520 ~ 600 new
Anything else I may be missing? I'm open to semi-auto suggestions as well. If someone just sold a normal run of the mill 1911 in this state...