Getting started in Bullseye

Wankinquoh used to be in the Tuesday night league before Makepeace kicked them out of Wareham. There was talk of them rejoining now that the new range is done but I haven't heard anything lately. There are a lot of guys that cross over between the New Bedford and Acushnet pistol teams without being a member of the other club. I think the way it works is as long as you are a member of a club that shoots in a league you can shoot for another club in another league without being a member. I must say I have not seen a thread as badly hijacked as this one in a while.
I think it is a great thing that there is some interest in bullseye shooting. I am not a spokesman for the Hanson team at all, but as a team member I am sure we would welcome anyone who would like to come in and try it out on a Tuesday night and maybe join the team. It is a no pressure, low commitment kind of thing. I can put people in contact with the team captain or co-captain, if anyone is interested.
There are several grip mounts for your 622 like this:

The mount works well for S&W's steel version of your gun, the 2206, but the lighter alloy versions such as your 622 and the 422's are, in my opinion, too light to be used for serious BullsEye.
You might want to consider selling or trading your 622 for a better entry-level BullsEye gun since the old 22 S&W series (422/622/2213/2214/2206) seem to be fetching a decent price on the collector market.

Good beginner information here:
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